Mites - harvest early or finish flowering?


This is my first grow and i dont want my first harvest to be comprimised, but after getting mites from a clone i bought at a dispensary, they came back with a vengeance.

They are mainly on one plant, the others have them only on lower growth. All of my plants are only six weeks into flowering. I have azamax but ive been told it isnt good to use on the buds cuz it can cause mold.

Would it be best to spray them with azamax, harvest early, or just let them finish flowering?


Well-Known Member
mighty wash then rinse in a couple days with water or power wash, both by npk industries;


Well-Known Member
wtf use that azamax fool. and i would follow dbs instructions in addition the power wash should prevent mold, but you should not get mold problems keep them bitchs ventilated you prevent that regardless of spraying.


Well-Known Member
wtf use that azamax fool. and i would follow dbs instructions in addition the power wash should prevent mold, but you should not get mold problems keep them bitchs ventilated you prevent that regardless of spraying.
look how I refrained from mentioning the airless paint sprayer dedicated to mighty wash and shit like that!


Active Member
Let them finish for sure. If they are bad enough and there are webs you can actually vacuum them off, done it before. Foggers like Dokter Doom work alright if used frequently and say they can be used up until the day of harvest.


Well-Known Member
Let them finish for sure. If they are bad enough and there are webs you can actually vacuum them off, done it before. Foggers like Dokter Doom work alright if used frequently and say they can be used up until the day of harvest.
well they need to finish that for sure, and he could do a treatment with pyrethrins but would focus that kind of fire power for the veggin plants as far as up till harvest, i wouldnt do it, its a poison after all.


Well-Known Member
P.s Fuck predatory mites and lady bugs
almost as opiniated as db lol. ive never use them but in the proper quatities and so long as you have not been spraying pesticides like dockter doom and such i could see them doing the trick, is this method 100%? i dont think so, does it last a while? yes, is it cost effective? no


Thank you for the quick replys, very helpful!

With the azamax should i only spray under the leaves and try to avoid any contact with the buds, or will it not affect the taste or overall outcome of the buds?

And rinsing with water two days later will be enough or is power wash more recommended?
Thanks :)


Well-Known Member
i would wait a week to rinse. under leave and all over buds too, they will just hid in the buds if you dont hit em, plus they are living under the sugar leaves too.

no it will not effect taste or the outcome of the buds, neither will mighty wash or even doctor doom. although neem, hot pepper and other horticultural sprays are known to leave nasty tastes when unrinsed.


I have no experience with doktor doom, but im pretty sure its a fog spray.
Would that most effective in pentrating every area?


Well-Known Member
i would use th azamax still and then follow it up in a week with doktor doom. and yes its very effective at penetration and plant coverage, but not as guaranteed as spraying everything yourself.


i would use th azamax still and then follow it up in a week with doktor doom. and yes its very effective at penetration and plant coverage, but not as guaranteed as spraying everything yourself.
I will get on this in the morning when my lights are on.
Thank you poly and everyone for the help, my plants will surely survive :)


Well-Known Member
Einstein Oil (neem) has never failed me. I've used it up to the last 2 weeks of flower with no ill effects whatsoever.

Anymore these days I hit the girls with neem before I have problems. 2 years and I've never had mite damage, and I bet I haven't spent 100 bucks on neem. In fact, I never have had any bugs once I was turned on to einstein oil.

Mites go from a couple to a big fucking problem in just a few days. Get on this dude. Good luck in whatever method you choose.