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  1. hippiechick420

    Are Public Schools Harming OUR kids?!!

    the schools are teaching them lies and what the government wants. since the government funds the schools they have total control over them. and the government lied to everyone. they are trying to brain wash kids so they follow the "establishment" when they grow up and don't question it.
  2. hippiechick420

    moving troops, why are we so war oriented

    the industrial military complex. weapons makers love the business and the military loves buying new weapons. that is why we are in war. and false accusations. RON PAUL FTW!
  3. hippiechick420

    Dank or what?

    does look nice but buying bigger amounts is the way to go. her ein tx i can get a half for 125 of some pretty good chronic. not super dank tho. that is about 175. i just hate going to get it thats why i buy more at once haha its always a hassle it seems like just something i never wanna do.
  4. hippiechick420

    420 iz right around the corner,, What u doin4it???

    Going to MARLEY FEST!
  5. hippiechick420

    Smoking in a steamy bathroom.. does it work?

    I smoked in a bathroom in a hotel room and just used a perfume sprayed wash cloth over a toilet paper roll. My friend and I thought it smelt fine but my mom came in and could smell it haha. So we opened the bathroom door, turned on the fan it seemed to air out within a few hours. Luckily the...
  6. hippiechick420

    Sex study. Men's surprising position prefences. Who knew?

    I think magazines like that, cosmo in particular, just make up shit to fill the page. I think guys are normally happy just to be getting layed haha
  7. hippiechick420

    No Zombie Apocalypse!?

    Haha yeah, can't go on without weed haha. Gotta start saving seeds
  8. hippiechick420

    Out Of Marijuana

    Inwish I could just run to the pharmacy. I have to wait on a sketchy guy you said he would hit me up yesterday. I still 2-3 weeks left on my plant to :(
  9. hippiechick420

    Out Of Marijuana

    Haha I always forget about alcohol because I love my weed, but that might be nice
  10. hippiechick420

    Out Of Marijuana

    It;s my spring break and I took 3 days off of work just to relax.. turns out I am out weed with no way to get any, my boyfriend decided he wants to do things we normally do together just by himself, and I have nothing else to do. Haha I should of just gone to work.
  11. hippiechick420

    How do you burn your weed???

    I always love a big rip from the bong:weed: also like my homemade hemp wick
  12. hippiechick420

    What kind of disgusting shit do you consume? AKA the "What Do You Eat" thread.

    Agreed. That is gross. I try not to stay away from anything genetically modified as well (so no doritos).