Sex study. Men's surprising position prefences. Who knew?

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I have so many comments but they are pretty blue.

Do you want to know what sexual position men prefer? You do, don't you. That's maybe why Esquire posed the question to their readers and published the results last week. The outcome wasn't too surprising, but there was one little tidbit of data that caught my eye. It wasn't that 14 percent of married men have had at least one sexual encounter with another man, though that was an eyebrow raiser, it was that 28 percent of the dudes who actually took the time to fill out the survey said that their favorite posish is missionary style. Well well well.

Would you look at that. To be honest, I'm not surprised surprised, but listen. How many times have you seen headlines on the covers of magazines say something like, "How to Spice Up Your Sex Life!" or "Ways to Make Your Man Go Crazy!" or "This New Position Will Save Your Marriage!" You've probably even seen a headline or two like that on this very site. But according to the Esquire study, all 28 percent of us have to do is lay back and relax.

That said, 30 percent of men prefer their lady friend on top, facing them (as opposed to not facing them, just to be clear). Another 26 percent like doing it doggie style, and the others waffle around doing it while in the spoon position, or standing up, or the reverse cowgirl.

The takeaway here, ladies, is we don't need the LATEST HOTTEST NEWEST AWESOMEST MOST-IMPROVED COOLEST sex position out there to keep things exciting in the boudoir. There are only three positions that guys are apparently really into, despite what Cosmo, Glamour, or any other publication has to say. Three.
Kind of refreshing, no?


Well-Known Member
nope, those are boys... there is a small period where their apprearance overlapse.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member've got to have a free hand, you know, for...the remote? :)

Really though, sex these days is like tech. My opinion is that tech is outdating itself by the second...and seconds count here!

Girls see other girls in videos and think it should be that way. Erm, nope. (that annoys me, for real)

No need for the circus-like sexcapades, imho.

You know what works best? Being in love, not lust.

Did I mention silence? It's about the breath (well...ok, the breasts are pretty awesome too :) )


Active Member
Well heres how i see it. Sex is one of the most talked about and not talked about subject ever. Its seems that if you want to please your partner the easiest way to do so is to ask them straight up. Nobody nowadays communicates and thats why marriages fail and people cheat because the sex isnt good, which leads to thought of "well if he/shes isnt geting it from me they are getting it somewhere else". I very much dislike all the "spice up your sex life" magazines because they are written by woman for woman. Guys are really simple show us a girl we are attracted to naked and its on like donkey kong. Now if women think they need to spice up your sex like and sometimes you have to to keep things interesting for you both, ask your partner, suggest something that YOU come up with, honestly whats sexier from a guys point of view. " hey babe i was thinking of a new position or place i want to try out" or " hey honey this lady we never met wrote an article on what we should do to have better sex. i think the first one is alot sexier. As far as positions go, as many as possible for me please lol. Sometimes different positions give you different pleasure like sometimes gil on top doesnt work for you so you get into another position to get you where you need to go. I know some people are old fashioned but a threesome every now and again is really fun, and despite what people may think if you trust your partner as you should a threesome will not ruin your relationship but give it a little "spice" as they like to call it, my wife and i have had 2 and we have 0 problems lol.

I type alot when im smoking good topic though your gonna get some interesting responses

I have so many comments but they are pretty blue.
There are only three positions that guys are apparently really into, despite what Cosmo, Glamour, or any other publication has to say. Three.
Kind of refreshing, no?
I think magazines like that, cosmo in particular, just make up shit to fill the page. I think guys are normally happy just to be getting layed haha

really comfy slippers

Active Member
When I make love to my lady, It's kinda however we got started.. If I'm rubbing her back Ill pick her hips up and dogg.. Or if I'm carrying her I may pin her to a wall.. It's all situational.. But missionary is very... Intimate, chest to chest and all... And I seem to get deepest there...


Well-Known Member
This tells me 28% of the male pole-es, women have no ass to grab, slap or watch jiggle.

> 50% of the women I have had sex with needed external clitoris stimulation to climax, meaning them on top. The things I do for women lol

and to me the prime question would be lights on or off? I had one grown woman girl friend (40+ yo) who was so inhibited that she needed lights off. Also she never had 69ed. Broke her in on those 2 counts. Once she got uninhibited, one day she literally dragged me into her 16 yo daughter's bedroom and screwed the hell out of me. Daughter was not there. DAMN!


Well-Known Member
I prefer missionary. More control. Direct eye contact. And I know I can hit both important naughty bits just right.


Well-Known Member
You know why tweekers do it doggy style???

So they can both look out the front window at the same time. Ha haha!


Well-Known Member
Missionary as well. It goes go deepest that way and seems the most comfortable and pleasureable. When you are focusing on odd positions or trying to be an acrobat, it takes the focus away from the sensations and on the position.

Woman on top is good as well. Never cared for doggy style, the angle is wrong and you can't get in their as deep as youd like


Active Member
its cus all the other positions take too much work and when your married and have kids. a quick doggy or spoon is whats gonna make it happen