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  1. superdave53

    Marijuana Seeds

    Help. I,ve been to every seed co. in the past few days, and no one sells or sends seeds to the USA. Last year I purchased from several seed co. and now a big fat ZERO. My last purchase was from Gypsy Nirvana and of course I was faithfully RIPPED OFF. I've tried everything, can anyone help or...
  2. superdave53

    ak47 autoflowering LOWRYDER #2

    I planted some Lowryder ak47 #2 auto-flowering. Yeah they auto-flowered all right. Every single one of them is no taller than 3". What a waste of time and MONEY.[buying those seeds] Never again, I did however pollenate everyone of them, 1/2 with hindu kush pollen and the rest with white rhino...
  3. superdave53

    CO2 Usage

    As soon as their 6" tall , or as soon as you want-or can... Never to late---- except when all lights are out-- CO2 During Light--- OXY at nite { meaning - nothing but maybe fan } These wonderful creatures make us MAD and GLAD on a Daily Magic cycle. I will admit after the 1st crop. Does the...
  4. superdave53

    I need to flower secretly. Roommate steals weed!

    Daisey Makes a dual - Pellit - BB combo rifle- 1--10 pumps Will kick ass =if you can shoot.
  5. superdave53

    I need to flower secretly. Roommate steals weed!

    Hey Smarts , You certainly do have Style and " SMARTS" cool Gettin late XM Radio is the BOMB , Put it on.
  6. superdave53

    I need to flower secretly. Roommate steals weed!

    I would say an "Eviction Notice " as in immediately , including a Huge Kick IN the SCROTTTT. :fire:
  7. superdave53

    I need to flower secretly. Roommate steals weed!

    That was actually directed at " Diabolic" lol
  8. superdave53

    I need to flower secretly. Roommate steals weed!

    Hey Smarts, Gotta Love Your total character pal.
  9. superdave53

    I need to flower secretly. Roommate steals weed!

    Hey AllOut, Like Your Style.
  10. superdave53

    I need to flower secretly. Roommate steals weed!

    I DO NOT let any one other than my family -know about anything, Period.... never let anyone know about shit . above all- protect you and your regime of continued breeding and loving.
  11. superdave53

    I need to flower secretly. Roommate steals weed!

    Hey Barrel, You got the right Idea partner, OUCH !!!! lol
  12. superdave53

    I need to flower secretly. Roommate steals weed!

    Loose the funny [NOT] friging roomate pal, Once a thief and free loader===always man, yOU'RE DOIN IT don't get shanked by anyone, let alone a {Roomate} Step up Pal- BIG Good luck Bro.
  13. superdave53

    "I will call things by their proper name"

  14. superdave53

    $toney Montana's Dutch Passion BLUEBERRY grow

    Hey Stoney, You have some beautiful plants there, seems like you are doing everything right pal. I am currently on my 3rd grow of 2008. keep it up Stoney.:leaf:
  15. superdave53

    how long for seeds to mature

    Thanks Tips, I figured it had to take a least a couple weeks to a month, I pollinated 2 "Bubbalious" with my own Hindu Kush and Bubba- pollen from my first harvest of 2008. Mybe I'll bust one site open and see !!:weed:
  16. superdave53

    how long for seeds to mature

    Does anyone have any idea how long it takes a seed to form and mature after pollinating ?
  17. superdave53

    White Rhino a little late

    Man ,you have a 100 miles to go before anything bro.
  18. superdave53

    male female prediction....have a guess

    I agree with" Sativa " 100%