I need to flower secretly. Roommate steals weed!


Active Member
ya, he's fuckin retarded. I tell him but his money is tight and he's a stoner. I was trying to think of a way i could protect the plants, maybe a clear lockable box? Or something i could put in the basically open doorway.

How is that your problem if he cant support his own habit he shouldn't be smoking then. Put him in line dont be puss.:leaf:


New Member
So, me and my roommate have been together a while and he knows i grow and smoke. If i harvest i plan on giving him half the yield for half the risk. But, i do all the work. I have one really good White Widow clone that's been vegging for a while.
The only problem is when the weed starts flowering he starts to pick the flowers off. I need to secretly grow some clones, maybe straight into 12/12. I was thinking of a pc case or something. What do you guys think would be a good>
If you guys have been together for a while shouldnt you be in it together?


Well-Known Member
he don't know shit about growing, and he doesn't want to kill them. I like the rubbermaid idea. I could perpetually do clones grows from 12/12. But I need a place to put the bin. Garage? Attic?


Active Member
if he steals beat him up bro may not be the smartest but if any of my buddies decided to pinch it like an automatic beat up you need to show him.


Well-Known Member
Rubbermaid gives you ZERO security or stealth. Aside from kicking that guy out you should get a wood box to grow in that you can put a REAL lock on, something that he'd have to visibly destroy to get in there and that won't be easy at all to break into.