I need to flower secretly. Roommate steals weed!


New Member
Why does he pick at the plant? Does he know it's not ready yet? Maybe try explaining to him that the thc production isn't really even happening yet so picking the flowers off is just like flushing them down the toilet.


Well-Known Member
ya, he's fuckin retarded. I tell him but his money is tight and he's a stoner. I was trying to think of a way i could protect the plants, maybe a clear lockable box? Or something i could put in the basically open doorway.


Well-Known Member
kick his ass to the curb, he can't understand that he'll get so much more by waiting? i feel for ya, man, i hate dealing with imbeciles


Well-Known Member
if i was in your situation...
id tell him if he takes bud of the plants one more time your
your gonna lay him out! your crazy for giving him half of the
crop in the first place, you should give like 4or5 grams at most!


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
Id Peal his finger nails backwards, n squirt Lemon juice on 'em........Touch my shit again bitch.


Well-Known Member
Id Peal his finger nails backwards, n squirt Lemon juice on 'em........Touch my shit again bitch.

thats takin it a lil bit too far doe...


New Member
I know it'd be painful but kill the plant on purpose and tell him it happened from him picking at it.

If he wants you to grow again, tell him you aren't going to bother because there's no way the plant can mature because he won't leave it alone.

Then start another secretly.


Well-Known Member
sorry for you bad luck, i wouldn't try to screw even though he deserves it because he could turn on you quick and you will be one that being hauled away in pretty metal bracelets. Best thing you can do is try to explain to him how he is not only screwing you but also himself, ever time he picks a bud off early you lose all the pot that would have grown in that spot if you left it alone meaning he is getting a lot less in the end because he pulling off preme buds.
most constructive thing i have heard i find it funny how so called "peaceful" pot heads are telling him to use a bat and violence

so i am gonna say it just like so many of you say on here



Active Member
Go get a rubber maid box drill holes n put locks..and tell him wassup..and then if he breaks into ur shit after that..then u have a real reason to whoop his ass because u already told him wassup..


Well-Known Member
Isn't it pretty sad that you are going to give the person half and they still feel the need to steal from you ?

I'd wait and grow when I was living in a better situation.


Well-Known Member
Here's fun! Place an explosive device (IED) inside the door to your growroom. The last laugh will be on him, as you enjoy his zany antics!-LOLZ.!!1!


Active Member
Loose the funny [NOT] friging roomate pal, Once a thief and free loader===always man,
yOU'RE DOIN IT don't get shanked by anyone, let alone a {Roomate} Step up Pal- BIG
Good luck Bro.


Active Member
I DO NOT let any one other than my family -know about anything, Period....
never let anyone know about shit . above all- protect you and your regime of continued breeding and loving.


Well-Known Member
bra put a lock on your door,
then explain to him the theory of all the bud he's screwing himself out ofby picking it off early
if he breaks into your stuff after5 that move if he threatens to snitch set up a camera of him smokin or with a quantity off weed and keep it to yourself if he threatens to narc again show him the vid

then take a bat to his head if he keeps tryin u


New Member
Really, when you take the amount of bud he's picked off and multiply it by the amount of bud it would have grown into if left alone, I'm guessing he's already used up his share.