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  1. M

    Cannabis cookbooks

    Lately I've been thinking about making a cannabis cookbook and i was wondering how well something like that would sell. I would like to make two or three of them ranging from beginning recipes to gourmet cannabis cookery. how interested would everybody be in a cannabis cookbook series?
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    banana mango cannaloaf

    i'm curious as to how this went
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    Help with failed buttermaking

    well you have to cook the green in the butter for a decent amount of time to allow the fat to bond with the thc and so the THC has time to decarboxylate then after its done with all that good stuff i'd give it a minimum half an hour then you strain the solid weedy materials out and TA DA! you...
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    hot wing sauce

    Man it is totally doable and if i weren't vegetarian i would go do that right now because it sounds delicious
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    Can you mix weed with anything?

    redirasta knows whats up though i disagree on the weed to butter ratio's i think you can use less than that especially if you have good bud especially
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    Proposed method of making "Happy Cap" capsules.

    ok thats the wrong temperature i'm fairly certain but yes and the liquid may infact melt the capsules but i had some alcohol left in mine accidentally and i'm not sure if that did it or the tincture they also weren't quite as strong as i had hoped. i'm going to try again soon though i think i...
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    Proposed method of making "Happy Cap" capsules.

    i'm making the tincture now and its all going incredibly smoothly i'm so excited.
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    Great Stoner Quotes

    "You look like a retard trying to be sexy" - said by my friend Kaileena to our friend Rachel also within the same time frame as my others
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    Great Stoner Quotes

    "oh man my legs just found the chicken!" "dude its like there are little gnomes chillin in my Achilles" "HELLLP MEEEE (presented in the voice of a breed between adam sandler and a walrus)" these were all me in the last 2 days
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    ULTIMATE BONG HIT!! instructions here!

    diggin the hookah vibe in here but unless you already smoke tobacco putting it in green sucks.
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    can anyone drop some knowledge about cookies?

    well with eating bud you definitely wanna make sure you're on an empty stomach so it gets digested more quickly, it should take anywhere from 20minutes to an hourish to feel depending on your metabolism and other body speicfic variables. smoking after eating depends entirely on the strength of...
  12. M

    Need help! Cannabis cookies

    ok i recommend that you make the cannabutter because adding it to the dough doesn't taste good at all. and don't worry about the scent it clears relatively quickly and if you make cannabutter and go that route the baking cookie smell will overtake the weird butter weed smell. i do it all the...
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    Thc Drops

    if the bottle is open i suppose it'd work
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    Proposed method of making "Happy Cap" capsules.

    That is exactly what i needed thank you for letting me know that that stuff all exists. definitely keep me posted on your findings as you go hopefully i'll be making mine within the next few days if everything goes according to plan. I'll keep you posted.
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    add it to coffee?

    I've heard you can actually get a decent high by using an espresso machine on your green so if you were to mix in some coffee to that and then afterwards add the green espresso to your coffee you'd have like an ultra red eye or something along those lines.
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    Cannabis Capsules

    theres a more pure way to go about it using alcohol that should give a better final product i'm actually going to try this sometime this week.
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    Huge party!!! Friends, bud, and hopefully a tasty snack!!!!

    Fried chicken with gravy is the best for special food and if you toss those mashed potatoes mentioned up above i think you've got yourself quite the meal.
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    Proposed method of making "Happy Cap" capsules.

    I have recently been looking into a way to make the very product you speak of but i want to go about it in a completely different way i think i can make it much more put by extracting all of the THC with alcohol and then boiling off the alcohol. then filling the pills with the end result i only...
  19. M

    Good Ideas you had while puffing herb

    Well it would take an electro magnet that was rather massive currently some folks have managed to use on that was about a 3 foot wide cylinder with a small hole through the center to make a small frog float about. the frog being placed in the hole in the center.