Cannabis Capsules


Active Member
theres a more pure way to go about it using alcohol that should give a better final product i'm actually going to try this sometime this week.


Well-Known Member
Soak some weed in grain alcohol. Let it sit for anywhere from 15 min to weeks, shaking it every once in a while. Filter out the weed and the grain alcohol should now be green. Let the alcohol evaporate and you will be left with a black oil....that oil should be nearly pure THC.

Or I've herd that THC is water soluble when water is really hot, so you can put some weed in like boiling hot water and then let it cool and the THC will separate from the water.
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Active Member
Thanks maybe I'll try the alcohol way too. Just put the oil in casules?
The recipe I found looks rather messy, and easily burnt.


Well-Known Member
ya, i've never actually done it before. I have made the oil then soaked a bud in it and smoked it that waybongsmilie I've had it without letting the alcohol dry out first and that seemed to work pretty good.....tho I think i got more drunk than stoned
well ive tried it with ghee before n the effect is perfectly i double boiled the butter with chopped up bud for 6 hours so that the thc have enough time to break down.