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  1. T

    Gf or garden

    eyes on you
  2. T

    Gf or garden

    As soon as your boyfriend rolls off your ass and puts his pants on...well...then..yes...we know who wears the pants...suck me fuck nut!
  3. T

    Gf or garden

    Right, I totally apologize. Everybody has their own situation. And sorry "Mac"...but neither of us wears pants in this house! Too each his own, I am sorry if I pissed anyone off..did not mean to. But for a question like that, to me, you will never get a correct answer in a...
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    Gf or garden

    Yep, I didn't read all the responses and didn't know the situation, so my answer would be to do whatever the fuck you want to do and don't be bringing relationship problems into this....but that is just me...other than that I am pretty much an easy going mellow kind of guy.....if you want...
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    Gf or garden

    No poser....just maybe different lives... he asked for some advice...I gave him mine...I grow...I have an awesome girl...for me there is no cool!!!!
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    Gf or garden

    Chix rule and are way better than the grow...they are both a pain in the ass, and they both yield awesome results...time and nurturing...but when is the last time you snuggled up with a doobie? I would rather go to bed with a sweet warm smooth betty than cuddle up with a big fat hairy bud! It's...
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    5 Weeks

    yeppers...and I am way not into blood! :lol:
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    5 Weeks

    Thank you...I am feeling good about this is awesome to make mistakes and read and learn get better...if I would have done that in school I would be a doctor by now!
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    5 Weeks

    Hi all, I have realized I should be posting a grow blog instead of here, this will be the last time unless I need help. I will get my grow blog up to date and going so if you are interested you can check it out there. Here my two ladies are 5 weeks after germ. 1 is 8 inches tall, the other 9...
  10. T

    Help running out of time?!

    I'm not sure what a flour light is, but if it is like a T5 setup, I would use that. I think the 600 watt would melt your dome?
  11. T

    Co2 help

    Well good luck if you do and I will be posting pics as things progress...5 weeks veg right now, so a while to go.....Cheerz back to you CloneX...and I should revize from "cheap" to "relatively reasonable"!
  12. T

    male of female plant?

    It's kind of hard to tell at this point.
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    Some advice on flowering time for my indica/sativa plant

    I am not an expert by any means, but I think the plants will tell you how much time you have left. Pick up a lighted microscope at radio shack for $15. When the triches are to your liking, then bring out the chainsaw. This is what I did anyway. With the advice I got from this site. It is pretty...
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    Co2 help

    Here is another link
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    Co2 help

    will do. I have no idea how to actually measure the co2 either, so I am not sure how I will know if they work or not, but I guess if the ladies turn out nice, it didn't hurt. I think the ones I was looking for were around $30.
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    Co2 help

    Here is just the first link I found real quick. I have talked to people who have used similar and say they work great. And they have pretty large grows. I have seen them for around $30 and I will be giving it a try soon. Will let...
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    Co2 help

    I have been looking into co2 bags that you just hang in your grow room. I have heard they work pretty well and priced pretty well. Quick, easy and cheap works for me.
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    Nute and Topping questions

    Sweet..I actually topped them both before I read...just needed to be done. Lookin for the 12 cola...And I will go for the slow intro to nutes...I have only grown a few pretty sad but make me happy plants in the past, but have never seen ladies this fat and bushy before...I have definitely seen...
  19. T

    Nute and Topping questions

    Hi All, Plants seem to be doing well other than the fact that they are short. 5 weeks from germ and 7 and a half inches tall...but bushy as hell. Stems are getting very very thick. First question: They are looking great in Fox Farm Ocean Forrest. Should I start with some nutrients or just let...
  20. T

    4 Weeks

    Sweet...thanks...I moved the lights today...We shall see...