Help running out of time?!

i just germinated my seeds its time to transplant them into the rockwool i have had the rockwool soaking in 5.8 ph R.O water
i also have perlite to fill the bottom of my humidity dome
i need to know once they r transplanted whether to put them under my two 2 ft flour lights or under my 600 watt fixture i have a hps and a mh bulb. can someone please give me some help and once they r under the light what strength nutes and how often should i water please give me a quick reply running out of time...


Active Member
I'm not sure what a flour light is, but if it is like a T5 setup, I would use that. I think the 600 watt would melt your dome?


Well-Known Member
i would keep seedlings under the flouros for like 2 weeks then switch to mh. thats what i do. and you wont need any nutes until like 2-3 weeks in, i usually dont start nutes until the 3rd week, and even then i start them at half strength cause my soil is rich.