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  1. E

    JWH-XXX Comparison

    My .0001 scale is no longer functioning properly, and I'm don't like having to spray the jwh/acetone mix on the herb evenly anymore, and to be honest I don't think the mg's per gram are always consistent for me. Is it safe to just sink my herb in a cup of my jwh-xxx/acetone mix? Would this make...
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    JWH-XXX Comparison

    no one has checked out jwh-19 yet?
  3. E

    AEROFLO²® 60 Advice Requested

    dont get it, pain in the ass system, just stopped using mine and looking for a new system less sites and bigger growths,
  4. E

    JWH-XXX Comparison

    Has anyone tried jwh-19 yet? ez
  5. E

    JWH-XXX Comparison

    Swim says begin with 3-5mg just to be on the safe side and swim also recommends you weight this with a 0.001 scale, not the common 0.1g scale. GL Ez
  6. E

    JWH-XXX Comparison

    Hey Shep, just got the J-250 in, I'll will try it out on my days off and let you know if it has the same effects on me. By the way, what scale are you using to weight out your jwh? I got an acculab, not the best, but it gets the job done ( : Ez
  7. E

    JWH-XXX Comparison

    I've had 10mg J-018 and 10mg J-073, and that sure did the job for me :) - ShepJ, I'm interested in trying the mix you did above, is it really better than weed? I'll check it out after I order some J-250, I think I already have J-81. The only thing that keeps me from doing it that way is the...
  8. E

    Crack Recipes?

    Look bro I see my boy whipping up that shit all the time, that nig got some skills! he got like 4 different methods one of them yeilding alot and still leaves the rock potent I can't tell you that method because I haven't learned it yet, but boy he gets like 40g out of 60g =100g = mad paper...
  9. E

    salvia 50x= FING CRAZZZYYYY

    I also ordered some last week, this stuff was great but you have to start from the bottom I tried a 10x then a 20x the stuff I got was good and clean, I will be re-ordering again in a couple months. If you try a 20x or 40x for your first time you will have a bad trip, I recommend a 5x or 10x for...
  10. E

    Clones are drooping after 3 days in Aero setup.

    Though I'm not sure, it sounds to me like the PPM is to high for those clones. Any pics?
  11. E

    are they ready to bud?? ((pics))

    So if I am growing inna aeroflo system, can I Flower after the 1st week of VEG? I believe so, right? but would that affect the quality of my buds? Z
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    Root rot problem in aero

    maybe keeping your water temp at about 72F or a little under will also help to, I think? Z
  13. E

    Aeroponic Af-Gooey

    Maseo good grow there. Was that 1.3 lbs with 600w x 4, correct?, I'm thinking about getting one of these setups myself pretty soon, if not, a couple. So would I do the lollipop thing or not? if so, how long into flowering do I trim the side branches at? You say that one week of veg was too...
  14. E

    RainForest 36/Aeroponic System

    Hey whats up fantasy I never got to post pics of my plants, everything turned out to be fine, but could had been better, 1 of my plants ended outgrowing the rest and pretty much killed the smaller plants, or maybe root rot did it? I don't know but it might have also got root boud, maybe I let...
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    RainForest 36/Aeroponic System

    It's not that it has light leaks, but still the roots are not in total darkness.
  16. E

    RainForest 36/Aeroponic System

    Everytime I took off one plant to put the nutrients or change the water I could see the light penetrating through the unit all around, but then again I am using a 1000 watt HPS. Roots getting light = not good. When I painted the whole unit black it fixed the problem. Just another flaw this...
  17. E

    RainForest 36/Aeroponic System

    Everyone told me not to buy one of these systems that they were only good for cloneing and that was about it. But I went ahead and bought it anyway and honestly it was o k, till it reached the ending stages. At first it was perfect, the speed of the growth was amazing, however towards the end...