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  1. theounceler

    Rick Santorum Suspends Campaign

    You should not want to rape anyone! Santorum removing himself from the race pretty much ends the primary. Which hasn't been competitive for a while now. I'm ready for the general!
  2. theounceler

    Is anyone Pro-War?

    Yes, people are pro-war. Let me tell you who: Rich conservative politicians and the companies who get rich off from it. War is nothing but an economic phenomenon. But yes, any of us who actually would get called to fight in a war... should not be pro-war.
  3. theounceler

    trayvan martin

    ^ I suppose. I think even more than the money they are probably happy how much of an impact it made. No one wants to bury their son, but I'm sure they are proud of the fact he became a martyr.
  4. theounceler

    Cops doing Controlled Sales?

    Well, I certainly didn't think they sold you real drugs. I figured they would just arrest you on the spot anyway. The thing is isn't it still illegal to buy drugs just as well as sell them? That seems to be the thing I'm stuck on. But thank you for posting, I always like to hear real life...
  5. theounceler

    trayvan martin

    How sad people let the media dictate what they "care" about. I think this is still an important case, and since its not being carried on every news station now means we should talk about it more. Everyone loses when an injustice like this happens. I don't think these people have "unrealistic...
  6. theounceler

    Cops doing Controlled Sales?

    I've found a few random articles about it, one was a case in Florida. I can't seem to find anything in the Sentencing Reform Act or anything about reverse sting operations. I have read about Reverse Prostitution stings also. I know entrapment is a hard claim to make in sting operations.
  7. theounceler

    Cops doing Controlled Sales?

    As I suspected. I didn't think doing a reverse sting operation would count as entrapment.
  8. theounceler

    trayvan martin

    That is true, and I certainly break the law where I find the law immoral, or too intrusive. However, no one on RIU(I hope) has committed such a serious criminal offense as murder. I don't think smoking or any traffic violations are comparable. I'm sure you've been given the whole "tell it to the...
  9. theounceler

    trayvan martin

    Anyone who honestly believes it was Zimmerman yelling in that call is an idiot. Who screams for help right before they draw their gun and shoot someone? I think you'd be more likely to yell for help if you were say... being chased down by an armed man. Thats just my opinion though, I think...
  10. theounceler

    Cops doing Controlled Sales?

    Perhaps this is a stupid question, but I was talking to some of my more moronic friends and I brought up the idea of cops doing controlled sales, just as they do controlled buys. My question is can undercover police officers legally sell you drugs, or attempt to then arrest you? My friends...
  11. theounceler

    Neighbor said she can smell my grow.

    She may or may not tell anyone. But I would probably move the grow elsewhere or lay low for a few months.
  12. theounceler

    TEBOW out MANNING in

    If Tebow was that bad of a QB you would think someone would want him in their division especially over what you have to compete with now, Peyton Manning. Tebow isn't what I would call a "lil squirely guy" either lol.
  13. theounceler

    Peyton Manning

    Favre took them to the NFC Championship game though. Signing veteran QB's isn't always a bad thing, and they aren't always "washed up". Certainly not in Peytons case.
  14. theounceler

    TEBOW out MANNING in

    Hey, don't try and pin me as some Tebow lover who gives him too much credit. That is not the case. The Broncos made it and won the playoff game because their defense and running game improved throughout the year. Tebow however, as their quarterback was an instrumental part in that as well. (for...
  15. theounceler

    TEBOW out MANNING in

    Tebow is unorthodox, but he did win a playoff game last year. Big signing for Denver, Jon Elway must have sweet talked him. I thought it was a weird signing at first, I thought he was going to Tennessee for sure. But now it kinda makes sense, Elways presence + a good running game + better line...
  16. theounceler

    Well didnt the 49ers just f**k themselves or wat?

    Manning is one of the biggest free agents ever, so any team would want to talk to him and try and sign him. Alex Smith has had one impressive year in the league, and the 49ers have been shelling out big bucks for this guy(who was widely recognized as a bust until this year). I've always defended...
  17. theounceler

    catching rippers

    Well one thing to keep in mind is we are growing illegally, and I agree it is certainly immoral to take someones plants. By all means do what you want, and stealing is probably a good enough reason to whoop somebody's ass. But there would probably be some negative consequences to your actions.
  18. theounceler

    Which strain should I grow

    Green Crack at 44 days sounds nice, if I was in Cali with that beautiful weather I would probably try and grow something that tastes a little longer to finish just because I'm always stuck getting early finishers up north lol.
  19. theounceler


    Lin looks smooth. I love pure Point Guards, too many guys in this league play the one and shoot too much. The Knicks with Lin are probably a top 5 seed, and could potentially make the East Conference Semi's(honestly I don't see anyone getting past the Bulls or the Heat). The addition of the man...
  20. theounceler

    Good sativa strain for Midwest using subcools super soil method?

    For starters I like your plan, reminds me a lot of what I'm doing. One thing I've learned growing up North is not to be too picky on outdoor strains. You never wanna base your decision on what fruit it supposedly tastes like. I always base mine on finish time, resistance to mould, resistance to...