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  1. theounceler

    Supersoil cooking question

    Right on, thats what I figured.. I wouldn't have any problems bringing it inside if the temps get to low would I?
  2. theounceler

    Angryblackman's Carport AfroGro 2012

    Looks like this the grow to be at, I'm loving seeing some of you warmer weather guys putting up journals already. Gets me stoked for my season. subbed!
  3. theounceler

    Supersoil cooking question

    How does super soil do in cold temps when sitting outside? I plan on transplanting in mid-may or so, and weather in april can be somewhat unpredictable up here.
  4. theounceler

    how much are you trying to pull?

    Ya i feel you on that! I mean 1-2 is kind of bare minimum, I definitely think I will end up with more but I like to set my goals low to avoid any disappointment.
  5. theounceler

    how much are you trying to pull?

    I'm being pessimistic. My philosophy is always expect the worst, but hope for the best! Anything could go wrong, and I'd never be pissed with 1-2 pounds brother:bigjoint:
  6. theounceler

    Time to start getting things together!

    That's gotta be the hardest part for me! Thats why I gotta sign up on message boards like these lol. Here I can talk about my passion openly. It's a really fun hobby, and it saves me money(not buying weed anymore is great.) I can't tell you how much I wanted to spill the beans my first time though!
  7. theounceler

    how much are you trying to pull?

    "A goal is not always meant to be reached, it often serves simply as something to aim at." - Bruce Lee
  8. theounceler

    how much are you trying to pull?

    I never like to count my chickens before they hatch... BUT I guess a nice little goal to set for myself would be like 1-2 lbs off about 10 plants. Should be nice stock for the year. But if I don't reach my goal I'm always happy with what I got(no matter what! something is better than nothing).
  9. theounceler

    Shortest growing Autoflower strain available???

    I like attitude myself... I am not all that experienced with auto's but from what I gather they all finish around the same time. They probably won't grow over 1 meter(39 inches) i dont know if 16 would be enough.
  10. theounceler

    Growing Marijuana Outside?

    Ya I usually fluff mine up, and on occassion I will throw some extra leaves and grass blades(whatever is around the grow area) on top of the soil to act as mulch. It helps the soil not dry out so fast.
  11. theounceler

    Ahhh. Almost Time.

    I know bro! I see a few journals already up I'm getting pumped. Weather has been pretty sunny up here so it just gets me extra stoked. Ordered some seeds, getting ready to check some spots soon hopefully too.
  12. theounceler

    The Problem in America is Big Government

    I don't know why everyone is so interested in limiting government? Government needs to step in where free markets fail, and with a small government you need honest people. I like the idea of giving states more freedoms of some things, but that could lead to problems as well.
  13. theounceler

    Growing Marijuana Outside?

    Ya I like tomato cages for vegging. Usually when they outgrow the cages I set up fishing line around my grow spots to keep deer away(Plant Killer #1 in WI). Another thing since you mentioned you're low on supplies and cash, you will get out of the plants what you put in. Basically don't cut...
  14. theounceler

    Worrying about this Season...Though i like to keep my confidence high

    Weather in WI has been different in recent years. Seems like winters are getting shorter and shorter. I don't care too much about the weather before planting(planting is pretty much the same every year for me), but if we can have a nice long Indian summer I'm all for that!
  15. theounceler

    Growing Marijuana Outside?

    Sounds like you got a plan, that sounds like a good start. What I usually do is plant and check on them once or twice every week to give them a watering, fluff up the soil, check for pests, etc.
  16. theounceler

    Keep it stealth when outdoors!

    Well they are pro's and con's to having it on your property or not. Really what it comes down to is being smart, and keeping it small and you won't get caught. I imagine they have to fly those helicopters pretty low to the ground to see your plants, and at least in my city that is unlikely...