Growing Marijuana Outside?

:leaf:I'm a long time pot smoker (beginner) for growing. I have the basics from wikipedia, but what i wanna know is can i plant alot of germinated seedlings in the ground and they grow? It will be in a wooded area where i cleared the ground and broke up the soil and they will have a great amount of sun light. If they will not grow like that what would i need, i have limited supplies and a limited cashflow seeing as how i work everyother couple of months?:leaf:


Active Member
More information would help, like are you wondering about the soil in the wooded area, how close they can be planted together, how much sun they need, how big the seedlings should be before going in the ground?
well i was planning on germinating about 20 seeds in a propagator until it was out if it's seedling stage and replanting them in a wooded area that i've cleared out of view and that has a great amout of sunlight. The ground will be broken up and mixed with a bit of merical gro it is 180 cubic feet. Each seedling will be planted 4 feet away from the other giving it plenty of room to grow and will be close to a pond. How often should i visit the site and what should i look out for?


Sounds like you got a plan, that sounds like a good start. What I usually do is plant and check on them once or twice every week to give them a watering, fluff up the soil, check for pests, etc.

arik maso

Active Member
you will need something to protect your young seedlings from animals. tomato cages would work. if you want to go stealth mode, plant your seedlings june ish so they stay small. you're going to need to weed out the males, unless you want seeded bud. you can foliar spray your plants with a neem oil solution to protect from spider mites. make sure the soil drains well or you might have problems later. good luck!


Active Member
well i was planning on germinating about 20 seeds in a propagator until it was out if it's seedling stage and replanting them in a wooded area that i've cleared out of view and that has a great amout of sunlight. The ground will be broken up and mixed with a bit of merical gro it is 180 cubic feet. Each seedling will be planted 4 feet away from the other giving it plenty of room to grow and will be close to a pond. How often should i visit the site and what should i look out for?
don't know your location, but slugs will be your enemy! And probably caterpillars. If you have them wherever you are, also squirrels, chippys, skunks, deer. Like arik says, tomato cages will keep deer and some of the bigger pests out. If you use bloodmeal in your soil you might have skunks dig your plants right up. I use safers slug bait for the slugs, and just make a perimeter around the stalk , like 5 inches out or so. I also dont put my plants out in the ground till theyre bigger and stronger than a tender little seedling, and when I do put them out I cover them at night in 2l pop bottle, with top cut off and holes drilled in bottom, until they outgrow it

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
The best advice I have is
tell no one nobody nota
read read and read some more
be ready to learn from mistakes
a pound per plant for your first year is shooting high


Ya I like tomato cages for vegging. Usually when they outgrow the cages I set up fishing line around my grow spots to keep deer away(Plant Killer #1 in WI). Another thing since you mentioned you're low on supplies and cash, you will get out of the plants what you put in. Basically don't cut corners on things that are important(nutes, soil, protection from wildlife.) And as Green Dave said don't have expectations that are too high. never count your chickens before they hatch!


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you got a plan, that sounds like a good start. What I usually do is plant and check on them once or twice every week to give them a watering, fluff up the soil, check for pests, etc.
I wondered about fluffing soil... Most pics don't have vegetation around the plants always wondered if everyone keeps turning it over or if mj takes over like a tree


Ya I usually fluff mine up, and on occassion I will throw some extra leaves and grass blades(whatever is around the grow area) on top of the soil to act as mulch. It helps the soil not dry out so fast.