Good sativa strain for Midwest using subcools super soil method?


Well-Known Member
What sativa strain would thrive in the Midwest using subcools super soil method? I am going to do a guerilla grow and basically put the girls out and check on them a select few times. I figured subcools super soil would allow me to do all the work at the beginning and not really have worry about it until harvest.

P.S. Maybe something with a lemon taste if at all possible. I've always wanted to try some kind of lemon strain. Sounds yummy!


Active Member
Sour diesel or super lemon haze if you can stand the jet fuel.

Or you could use some of Subcool's seeds. Probably much better. Jack the Ripper?

Choose wisely - think of your climate.


For starters I like your plan, reminds me a lot of what I'm doing. One thing I've learned growing up North is not to be too picky on outdoor strains. You never wanna base your decision on what fruit it supposedly tastes like. I always base mine on finish time, resistance to mould, resistance to frost, etc.


Well-Known Member
I'll bet ya cookies to donut holes that there are some "local" strains that are good. ;-) There were some "wild" strains in IN that WERE worth the effort.