I'm subbed.. put my 12 blue cheese on 12/12 a wk ago 2x600w coco a/b nutes n soil will put pics up on my journal L8tr.. mine are from clones.. hope u take "lets get stoned" advice n get that roof sorted!
The buds are coming on fine, pretty dense too..the pistils have turned ginger and calyx are swelling.. as for council I have ignored there 2 letters they posted so rang n this is the date they gave me..after choppin i will put em in air tight large container n take then somewhere very safe and...
wow..there looking lush, think my next grow I'm gonna have a go at topping n less plants..well done and good luck too you.
neighbour 3 doors down has been having a ciggie on landing now weather has warmed up, one of my grow rooms is below where he's been leaning over balcony n i had the windows...
Looks like u have everything under control here..just had to read a few pgs lol.. (been busy me stressing wiv nosy neighbours n stuff) I look forward to seeing some pics.
Got issue with landlord coming to do do heating n smoke alarm safety checks already put him off til 3rd apr..an now neighbour has made comment about smell on landing!! These pics were taken 2/3 days ago..thanx
Thanx guys..just made up 20ltr with nutrients for 15plants..when thats gone will just give em water for 2wks.. where the hell is the like button gone?? oh well +rep 2 u both.
Due to all the lost postings etc, Im at a loss as to where Im at now.. brief rundown got these cheese 4/6? wks ago when already in 2wks of flower, using canna A/B & boost in canna soil..used pk 13/14 maybe 4/6? wks ago for a wk only.. Am I ready to just give them water now??? (fan leaves started...
I use ozone gen too..i put it on 2wks b4 i cut down for only 10mins didnt smell a thing again.. then used it after cut down 4 another 10mins..still aint smelt a thing n only have another wk b4 all the bud is dry :-) maybe abit pricy at £130 from grow shop but its guareenteed 4 2yrs n i deffo...
Just checked the temps now at 65 n humidity is at 38..bear in mind atm i have most of my windows slightly open n the current temps outside are about 7 not sure if this is relevant..lol thanx
Hi I have my bud in 2 cardboard box's in the dark cupboard.. what temp's are ideal? do I need to put a fan in the cupboard or de-humidifier? Thanks ( I have been going in every couple of hours shaking the box''s..well thats what someone told me to do)
Found these guys on otherside of hotel fence in Jamaice (the smell wafting in the air made me go n investigate), so I thought it would be rude not 2 join em!
I live on a shared landing an i went ozone gen way...yes expensive but wiv guarentee 4 2yrs.. only had 2 use it for 40mins uptil now.. kills mould/bugs n humans.. so b careful not 2 be in the room when the generator is on peeps.. probably use again when i chop my 6 plants next wk.
Ive used ona frequently n ozone gen once..the latter removes everythin includin smells/mould/bugs n any livin thing apart from plants but make sure u aint in the room when generator is on cos it aint good for humans either i av been told.. lol