Hi I have my bud in 2 cardboard box's in the dark cupboard.. what temp's are ideal? do I need to put a fan in the cupboard or de-humidifier? Thanks ( I have been going in every couple of hours shaking the box''s..well thats what someone told me to do)
shaking is good but i would put on some type of screen, moisture will not dry where it is sitting and mold may develop on the contact point. just make sure your humidity isnt too high nor the room too hot.
Just checked the temps now at 65 n humidity is at 38..bear in mind atm i have most of my windows slightly open n the current temps outside are about 7 not sure if this is relevant..lol thanx
shaking is good but i would put on some type of screen, moisture will not dry where it is sitting and mold may develop on the contact point. just make sure your humidity isnt too high nor the room too hot.