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    Weed tolerance cycle

    Just got off a break and the first couple days I was getting blitzed. Now my tolerance is right back where it was. I've heard of people smoking 2 weeks on 2 weeks off and stuff like that. Does it really work?
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    The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself

    It's said that the only thing we have to fear, is fear itself. Now that statement doesn't make much sense to me, but what does make sense is that our fear is strength waiting to be harnessed. I am afraid of alot of things, mainly heights, snakes and cockroaches (don't ask) I think that the more...
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    Things my mom taught me :)

    LOL @ this thread. The only thing my mom ever taught me was how to flip out and be irrational. I grew up in a house that was constantly yelling and arguing. I'm surprised at how well I have turned out, considering. Everything I am today, I attribute to myself.
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    My name is timeismoney1 and i have a drinking problem

    I love Guinness! Not like those other pussy beers.
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    Tbreaks suck balls

    Hey everyone, I'm on day 2 of a 3 week tbreak and it sucks. Having a hard time falling asleep and keeping my mind occupied. I am trying to get this job that I want and really want to stop for a few weeks. Anyone else taking a break?
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    Gemscopes and scales

    Does anyone on here recommend a gemscope or digital scale? I've been looking on these threads for information and I couldn't find much. I don't want to spend more than 40$
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    Help me out

    All good responses that have changed my mentality about it a little bit. I just don't know if the second guy sells good quality, I mean what do you do? Say "hey text me a pic of what the weed looks like"? Lol I guess I always thought that when you meet to buy the weed and it's shit non...
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    Help me out

    Ok so I have this guy I usually always buy from. Real good crystally dank for $120 a half onion. I got this other guy who sells a half oz for $180. My dilemma is that to meet the first guy I have to drive an hour to meet him, but always good quality and always ON TIME. The second guy I met...
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    What do you think?

    I picked up an eighth of this for $60 and was wondering what you guys think. It smokes a little harsh but give a good body high.
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    Favorite Muchie Meal

    Post your favorite foods and drinks that you love eating while stoned. Pizza (pizza hut) general tsaos chicken w/ fried rice peppermint ice cream A&W cream soda
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    Weed As Currency

    Have any of you ever traded weed for something you really wanted? Ive traded weed for movie and concert tickets, playstation 3 games, dvd piddly shit like that. What about you?
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    What do you drive?

    I drive a 2006 honda civic lx black with tan leather. I like it and the shit is paid off.
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    How to find a good outdoor grow spot

    How much sunlight? Like a big open field? Or will a wooded area with no underbrush work? Im just trying to gauge what i need. I dont want to have them very far away from me.
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    How to find a good outdoor grow spot

    Ive been searching through the threads trying to get ideas on how to find a good location to grow. I live in texas and really dont know what to look for.
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    Would you rather . .

    Would you rather drink a vomit milkshake or eat a pube sandwich?
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    Would you rather . .

    Lol whats the matter? Bring back bad memories?
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    Would you rather . .

    Woukd you rather watch your parents have sex 1000 times or join in once
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    Would you rather . .

    Alright everyone, how this is gonna work is you answer the previous posters scenario, then you post your own. Come up with whatever you want, no limits. Would you rather crawl bleeding through a salt desert? Or have sex with Nancy Pelosi?
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    You know someone is a NEWB smoker when . . .

    Why are people getting pissed at this thread? Honestly it was all in good fun. As someone in a earlier post "it brings a certain nostalgia" i can honestly say i have done alot of those things posted. Dont take it personally people. Like most things, we laugh because its funny and true
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    Outdoor guerilla grow 2012

    Hey guys, im looking to start a guerilla grow in a wooded area on acreage. I have about 40 seeds from some real dank stuff ive been getting. The area has thick underbursh that i may need to clear. I dont have access to a grow shop so whats a good soil i can buy at home depot for a beginner? The...