Help me out

Ok so I have this guy I usually always buy from. Real good crystally dank for $120 a half onion. I got this other guy who sells a half oz for $180. My dilemma is that to meet the first guy I have to drive an hour to meet him, but always good quality and always ON TIME. The second guy I met through a friend and he lives real close to me about 10 minutes. My problem is, if this dude wants $180 for a half oz, how do I let him know I don't want to buy it without pissing him off if it's shit quality weed?


bud bootlegger
i really wouldn't worry too much about pissing him off it's it's not that good honestly.. i mean, it's your hard earned cash, if you don't like the product, you surely have the right to walk away from the deal and buy it else where imo..
if you went to the store to buy say a pair of jeans, and when you went to try them on you looked like a complete smacked ass, would you still go through with the purchase just in order to not piss off the sales clerk who helped you for the past half an hour?? or would you say sorry, but i look like a complete smacked ass in these here jeans and i'm gonna now go down to the gap and get what i want??


Well-Known Member
Yesterday I got a half O for $180 and he was trying to push me to buy the rest of what he had that night. I talk to him as if he were a normal friend. Keep him sweet. We used to hate eachother and he'd get so pissed if I was ever a bit late or didn't pick up the phone or didn't buy for a while. Awkward

I resisted the temptation to tell him about his asshole douchebaggery and bad attitude and decided to try being decent and conversational. It worked. Now I can just ignore the weed menu text if I'm not interested, or tell him outright I don't want to part with the money and he won't get angry. Now he makes an effort to be there in time, apologizes, says thankyou, tops me extra occasionally and gives me the odd discount. A little chat comes out of it, too.

I'd say deal with out like you're telling your close friend you genuinely can't come to their birthday and don't want to upset them :-|

I know that feeling when you kind of dread calling your dealer and giving them bad news, or they're such a grouchy poopie head you don't want to speak to them at all but they've got good weed.

Hope it helps for the future.
All good responses that have changed my mentality about it a little bit. I just don't know if the second guy sells good quality, I mean what do you do? Say "hey text me a pic of what the weed looks like"? Lol I guess I always thought that when you meet to buy the weed and it's shit non negotiable. I wouldn't even know how to start haggling


bud bootlegger
All good responses that have changed my mentality about it a little bit. I just don't know if the second guy sells good quality, I mean what do you do? Say "hey text me a pic of what the weed looks like"? Lol I guess I always thought that when you meet to buy the weed and it's shit non negotiable. I wouldn't even know how to start haggling
i don't think that i'd haggle on the price, but i'd surely look at the bud before buying it.. back when i used to buy bud, it was pretty customary for the dealer to roll one up out of his bag and smoke one up with me so i could see what i was buying before i had to lay down any hard earned cash.. not sure if many dealers still practice this or not as i haven't had to buy bud in ages now.. :)

but yah, if you never bought from the dude before, i can't see how he'd be pissed if you asked to look at what you're buying before handing over any cash... just be nice about it is all.. and also be upfront and just spit it out.. say i'd like say 1/2 or w/e, but can i check out the bud first?? if he / she says no, well, than i think you got your answer right there anyways, lol.. but most of the time, dealers aren't going to have a problem letting you see them merchandise before hand, and if it's really dank, i'm sure that they'd pretty much be throwing it in your face to let you know just how dank it is if you know what i mean, lol..


Well-Known Member
Usually it is, in my experience. That's the thing, he only offers me a little discount when he senses me feeling a bit iffy over the price because we are conversational like that. I would never 'try anything' with someone new or isn't pally like that with me. I'm a very socially awkward person. I find it hard to interact and negotiate with people I really like let alone dealers! Make your dealer like you and things are just that tiny bit easier. I'm not saying be manipulative, just be nice. I give mine cards.

Ask him about the weed. If he can't tell you what strain, where he got it from, give you a smoke report or describe in reasonable detail the aspects you're interested in (density, color, frostiness, smell etc) you know he doesn't know shit and don't bother XD