Would you rather . .

Alright everyone, how this is gonna work is you answer the previous posters scenario, then you post your own. Come up with whatever you want, no limits.

Would you rather crawl bleeding through a salt desert?
have sex with Nancy Pelosi?

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Alright everyone, how this is gonna work is you answer the previous posters scenario, then you post your own. Come up with whatever you want, no limits.

Would you rather crawl bleeding through a salt desert?
have sex with Nancy Pelosi?
smash nancy pelosi

would you rather be without herb for 2 days or have no access to RIU for a week?


Well-Known Member
I would fuck the fat chick...... would you rather smoke crack or smoke brown weed full of seeds

Jer La Mota

Well-Known Member
Vomit milkshake (chocolate)

would you rather walk 3 miles to have a gram of average weed, or beat an old lady, and get an ounce of top notch ?