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  1. Rotfeast

    Hemp Oil = Cure For Cancer!?!?!?

    I have heard this too, from several sources. I have also heard of THC preventing tumors and killing cancer cells, from reputable sources like CNN and fox news. Although I've never heard anyone say anything about it on TV. Only small articles on the internet. Mainstream media won't touch it...
  2. Rotfeast

    Looks Like Arizona Is Getting Off There A$$

    Wow!!! Everyone is talking about legalization. 2009 is the year of Cannabis!
  3. Rotfeast

    Anyone Else Fell Like Cali?

    What about the people LOSING their jobs by being thrown in prison???
  4. Rotfeast

    World Wide Marijuana March '09

    It is people like you that let the government walk all over us. When it comes down to it, voting, protesting, and revolution is all us poor citizens have against Uncle Sam.
  5. Rotfeast

    Adult Swim

    The show is amazing. Am I the only one who likes it? You really have to concentrate on the quick, subtle puns and jokes in the show. It helps if you are baked. Try concentrating less on the imagery and more on the dialogue and you will enjoy the show more. It is one of the best written shows...
  6. Rotfeast

    Subways proffesionalism compared to other restaurants

    I just went to a Subway party last night! I smoked a blunt with 10 subway employees, including 2 store managers!
  7. Rotfeast

    Was Darwin Wrong?

    My belief is that Mankind's ultimate destiny as a whole is to use our growing technological knowledge to create our own mechanical super-species that is solar powered, self replicating, and can explore and populate the vast expanses of our galaxy. We will be the creators of a giant empire of...
  8. Rotfeast

    Do you REALLY want Marijuana legalized?!

    Are you on this site for the weed or the easy money? Who cares if drug dealers are put out of business. You currently run the risk of being JAILED(fucked in the ass) for growing and smoking bud. A drug dealers source of income is more important to you than that?
  9. Rotfeast

    Do you REALLY want Marijuana legalized?!

    Thats very true. This Country has so much wrong with it, and I really think the majority of people are blind to it. We are all growing slaves to the machine that is the United States government. Honestly cops or feds or whatever could bust down your door tomorrow and imprison you indefinitely...
  10. Rotfeast

    Lets all pick a day!

    I agree. Public smoke-outs is definitely the way to go. 4/20 2010 is too far away, and RIU isn't going to spread the date well enough. Facebook would be a much better way to accomplish this than RIU. I really think NORML should schedule a nation-wide smoke-out or march
  11. Rotfeast

    Do you have Faith in Humanity?

    I'm hopeful. Even with all of the garbage and bullshit in the world today, you still have to look at history. Today, we are ten times better off than we were 100 years ago, and hundreds of times better off than we were 1000 years ago. Science, technology, and education are the solution behind...
  12. Rotfeast

    Do 50 watt HPS need a ballast?

    You need a ballast.
  13. Rotfeast

    Why Do We Smoke?

    I love being stoned. And the fact that potheads are significantly nicer and more understanding than "normal" people
  14. Rotfeast

    lcd lighting!!

    LEDs will be good when they invent a single 100w LED bulb that outputs the same lumens as a 250w HPS
  15. Rotfeast

    20 pounds a month

    OMEGA GARDEN google it. 4 of those + a ton of mothers and you would be set. Hell you might be able to do it all in 1 room
  16. Rotfeast

    The "Police search warrant!" NIghtmare

    Yeah dude. Fuck the war on drugs.
  17. Rotfeast

    150w HPS or CFL Winter Harvest Club

    Best light ever for personal crops. CFLs are for vegging, not flowering.
  18. Rotfeast

    Best system in the world ever

    I want to see a grow journal with one of these. It's just $2,000 for the cheap model! I've heard of people on here paying $1,000+ for just a grow tent, lol. The guy said he grew lettuce that was supposed to take 75 days in just 15. So, theoretically, you could grow 80 clones 12/12 start to...
  19. Rotfeast

    150 watt HPS questions

    Plants can be 2-3 inches from the 150w before they start to get burned
  20. Rotfeast

    Can i feed my plant ecstasy..

    Alcohol would just flat out kill your plant. I think the dude was just fucking with you. As for ecstacy, its a man-made version of a chemical found in the human brain so I don't even know if the plant would absorb it at all. The chances of the roots picking up the chemical and putting it in...