Hemp Oil = Cure For Cancer!?!?!?


Active Member
I dont know if anyone has heard of anything similiar, but i stumbled upon a comment that read


May I suggest you look at all the information located below my profile picture & in "My Vlog" section.

Canada ... Rick Simpson
U.S.A. ... Dr. Melamede & Dr. Dach
Spain ... Dr. Guzman
Israel ... Dr. Mechoulam
Italy ... Dr. Di Marzo

Websites: SETHGROUP & PUBMED (enter words "Cannabis Cancer") currently there are 266 published articles.

My mother had Breast cancer, and she cured it using natural methods

It was a 8cm tumor i think (possibly 8mm) i dont remember...

I believe the doctor gave her less then one year to live if she didnt get the operation (which she did not)

shes been as healthy as iv ever seen her

Been almost 3 and a half years

If this cure is legit then pot should be legalized

i hate pharmaceutical companies....

Any thoughts?


Active Member
I dont know if anyone has heard of anything similiar, but i stumbled upon a comment that read


May I suggest you look at all the information located below my profile picture & in "My Vlog" section.

Canada ... Rick Simpson
U.S.A. ... Dr. Melamede & Dr. Dach
Spain ... Dr. Guzman
Israel ... Dr. Mechoulam
Italy ... Dr. Di Marzo

Websites: SETHGROUP & PUBMED (enter words "Cannabis Cancer") currently there are 266 published articles.

My mother had Breast cancer, and she cured it using natural methods

It was a 8cm tumor i think (possibly 8mm) i dont remember...

I believe the doctor gave her less then one year to live if she didnt get the operation (which she did not)

shes been as healthy as iv ever seen her

Been almost 3 and a half years

If this cure is legit then pot should be legalized

i hate pharmaceutical companies....

Any thoughts?
I have heard this too, from several sources. I have also heard of THC preventing tumors and killing cancer cells, from reputable sources like CNN and fox news. Although I've never heard anyone say anything about it on TV. Only small articles on the internet. Mainstream media won't touch it, lol. Go figure.


Active Member
I have heard this too, from several sources. I have also heard of THC preventing tumors and killing cancer cells, from reputable sources like CNN and fox news. Although I've never heard anyone say anything about it on TV. Only small articles on the internet. Mainstream media won't touch it, lol. Go figure.
Yea everything is about making money.....

You can go to school for twelve years, become a doctor and work in a hospital, but the idiot that inherited the company is making one hundred times how much you make...

And that idiot is your boss lol
I watched this documentary a while back; very interesting concept. It talks about because marijuana is a plant it then cannot be patent which basically means there is no money in it. But as with everything you see i don't know how much of it i would entirely believe. It's really just sad knowing everything is controlled by money and the people with the money really don't care about the people. And I'm even conservative! Here is the vid : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjhT9282-Tw


Active Member
I don't know about "cure", but I know that cannabis prevents the growth of tumors...so if that means "cure" for cancer...than that's what that means.