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  1. greenstreetmafia

    plant fell out of pot..... NEED HELP!!

    They are crazy tough plants. You should be in the clear. ive almost completly snapped a top off and braced and zip tied it and it turned out just fine. Just in flower stage u dont want to strees them too to much because its a more delicate time n easier to create problems with your ladies like...
  2. greenstreetmafia

    Red in stock and stem ????

    k cool. the temps dont ever go lower then 70. also all seems well and healthy. thanks for the quick reply makes me feel better. GreenStreet
  3. greenstreetmafia

    Red in stock and stem ????

    i have a few plants in my grow that have red going thru the stock and or stem. some have either and some have both. what does this mean? what are possible solutions? Thanks GreenStreet
  4. greenstreetmafia

    LIGHT CYCLE THAT SENSITIVE???? need to change light/dark time in wk 4 flower OPINONS

    Thanks. Makes it easier then doing it over 6 days. And the twenty four hr dark will have no effects on the girls?
  5. greenstreetmafia

    LIGHT CYCLE THAT SENSITIVE???? need to change light/dark time in wk 4 flower OPINONS

    due to power consumption i need to sw2itch my plants from on at 9 pm off at 9am to on at 9am off at 9pm. now i figured i could run a 13/13 scedule for 6 days and it would be completly switched. Now is this gonna mess them up? i didnt think it would be an issue considering we immate everything in...
  6. greenstreetmafia

    Grow Update

    What week are they in? Seemed reletivly healthy but aint know expert grower. hope they form tight. good luck GreenStreet
  7. greenstreetmafia

    18 gs of goodies for less than $50 total costs !

    lol i totally agree with the replies. why invest that to get.that amount when a little.more would give u 1000 % more. GreenStreet
  8. greenstreetmafia

    6.5' X 6.5' X 6.5' grow tent

    u should have no prob fitting 25 in that area. i had 35 in the same size tent and they ranged from 30 inches to 60 plus inches. it was a bit tight in some spots but worked out pretty good. i vegged for too long tho so now i veg a lot less. ull have lots of room for ur girls to have fun...
  9. greenstreetmafia

    Should I Start Trimming Fan Leaves and Foliage?

    I made the ammature mistake of removing to many leaves. id see a bit of brown here n there or think its blocking to much of the lower area and id remove it. i paid in the end for my mistake and will never remove another leave. theyre plants and if they dont want a leaf it will drop it when it...
  10. greenstreetmafia

    Moving My Grow

    the night before u move put them in individual boxes so they stay thete dark period hurry ur ass up setting ur lights up in the morning first n then transpo them in whatever there in boxes and get them bitches back under the light within the twelve hr time frame. my 2 cents GreenStreet
  11. greenstreetmafia

    Just need advice not hate collective grow set up

    Im fairly new here and have obtain quite a bit of knowledge from answers in my posts n readibg others threads. If everythings legal then why.hide.ur face you should be damn proud of yourself and accomplishments. And really you dont have to mentiob quanity either 20 or 200 same rules apply...
  12. greenstreetmafia

    Is there such thing called christmas tree?

    About 15 yrs ago i got stuff called christmas bud during the holidays but have never seen it again. It had real nice coloration n good stone but i havent seen any strains called that and i was doing lots of strain huntn a few months ago. Try google
  13. greenstreetmafia

    Advice please on how much and often to water

    Drying them out isnt always bad see how long it takes to wilt after watering and water before that time after that. Ive also heard there are techniques using irregular water patterns and also drought techniques . I let my plants tell me instead of me telling them . My 2 cents greenstreet
  14. greenstreetmafia

    Will Cops Show up at my House??!!! Help

    ya like buddy said if ur this paranoid over a few seed what the fuck are u gonna do when those 10 seed turn into 20 oz of stinky ass dope. u need to chill out or get out of the grow room cause u gonna have a stress induced heart attack soon. CHILLLLLLLL bro greenstreet
  15. greenstreetmafia

    Just thought I would Share... Blueberry Color Change

    looks great. i have some blueberry skunk just started out. hope they have nice traits of the blueberry. man thats beautiful greenstreet
  16. greenstreetmafia

    0Calli~~ Critical~Overdrive~2012~1000w~Grow~Session~

    Well after twenty some pages I guess im in too. just started the hobby half a yr a go aand just love it. Very interested too see ur progress n results. good luck and thanks for sharing greenstreet
  17. greenstreetmafia

    Soil Cold Water

    if my water gets to cold sitting on the basement floor i toss the jugs in the shower for 10 min or so to get it back to a better tem
  18. greenstreetmafia

    All My Pictures!!!

    love the bud porn. cant wait to post mine up
  19. greenstreetmafia

    DWC grow, ANY advice or tips appreciated!

    what is RO water and what does DWC stand for ?
  20. greenstreetmafia

    Is 10 Week Flower Really 10 Weeks?

    im glad i read this thread. i was told by other members your suppose to go by the first switch and i thought u give them a two week (lull period "stretch period"). thanks for making the thread and the ppl who replied. makes my mind a little more at ease for my first real good size grow.