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  1. R

    Vaporizer High

    Phytocannabinoids, their boiling points, and properties Δ-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) Boiling point: 157*C / 314.6 degree Fahrenheit Properties: Euphoriant, Analgesic, Antiinflammatory, Antioxidant, Antiemetic cannabidiol (CBD) Boiling point: 160-180*C / 320-356 degree Fahrenheit...
  2. R

    My Medicine Confiscated!!

    Woodsmantoker is bang need to get this out there! Your rights have been violated by the very people that are (supposedly) entrusted to uphold end enforce the law/your rights. If this were any other person, there would be a public backlash towrads the powers-that-be. Lets' change the...
  3. R

    why did they trun white

    Care to elaborate?
  4. R

    Weed & Alcohol - Positives & Negatives - Your Oppinion

    It's the best of both the present. The next day you wake up and just feel sh*t from the booze, the perfect time to spark up a joint and feel the hangover dissolve!
  5. R

    Plants sleep so which is best

    I would disagree with your statement. Though the logic behind it is stable; [if nature evolved this lifeform (homo sapiens, or cannabis sp.), nature is the set of environmental factors that seems to influence the evlution of organisms most 'positively'. Yet, humans (being the only sentient...
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    Is Pot Hot? Do you Agree or Disagree? What More Should be Included?

    Marijuana....wasn't that a nasty 'propaganda' word made used by the government to try and make all you americans think it was dirty mexican poison? Here in NZ we call it pot or weed (or electric puha....but thats another story =D) I don't like the word pot myself, me-likes 'cannabis'....far more...
  7. R

    $$$ 10.00 R/O FILTER !!!! Probably in your garage right now !!!

    LOL....I agree, but fatman happens to be one of the most informed ppl out there...take the info, leave the bullsh1te.
  8. R

    Plants sleep so which is best

    Phytochrome Regulation in Plants Plants monitor changes in day length with a bluish, light-sensitive protein pigment called phytochrome. Phytochrome exists in two forms, based on the wavelength of the light that it absorbs. It is generally produced in meristematic tissues in very minute...
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    lighter, smokeable form of DMT

    Toads seem to produce mainly 5-meo-dmt - as in the least visually excitable compound....from what I have heard from other ppls ERs looks like its not worth it....seems like the meo-dmt is too much trouble to be worth it....though I welcome anybodys trip reports and would love to hear the effects...
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    The argument that convinced my parents

    I totally agree with The Grinch....I get so pissed off with people who claim MJ is a major source of accidents on the roads - I used to use the caffeine analogy (a good sativa will put ones mind into a hyper-vigilant state, not unlike a good dose of caffeine), but your sugar parallel seems far...
  11. R

    global warming is killing people

    "Wrong that still belongs to the intelligent design people. This is more like a doctor telling you that you need to loose weight, but you don't. And they tell you that you can get a heart attack, but still you don't care, so you continue, and now you need a knee replacement. But now you say...
  12. R

    Real Red and Blue Fluorescents

    I'm using a 70W 14,000K (which looks more like 20,000K) bulb that was, once upon a time, over my reef tank to reveg a couple root stocks that I got from a previous seems even with small bulb/output, vegging (or in this case re-vegging) plants suck up the higher end of the spectrum. ...