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  1. Y

    LED Lights Staying Slightly Lit When Timer Switches Off!!!

    Yes, there's a very noticeable difference between on and off. I can barely stand to look at the lights when they are fully on. It's more like sunset or a moonlit night when they are "off." I've determined that my problem is either reversed polarity or a bad ground. You should try moving your...
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    LED Lights Staying Slightly Lit When Timer Switches Off!!!

    Good call. I took the switch and the light to another socket in a different part of the house and the problem did not occur. Off was fully off. I went out and bought socket tester and it's telling me that for the socket where I have my lights plugged in, hot and neutral are reversed...
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    LED Lights Staying Slightly Lit When Timer Switches Off!!!

    So I just went and plugged one LED directly (no extension cord or splitter) into the Hydrofarm timer I just got today. It's currently off and the LED glows very noticeably. To those other folks using this timer with LEDs, particularly the BS 240, have you looked up into the LED? Is your room...
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    LED Lights Staying Slightly Lit When Timer Switches Off!!!

    I got the timer today and I'll be damned if it doesn't do the exact same thing the other two I bought do. Damn you puffenuff! :) Seriously, I wonder if my extension cord or plug splitter have somethign to do with it. I also have two CFLs on the same switch. I guess I'll have to experiment...
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    PPM's going up?

    The two times I got hit with slime, my ppms and PH would rise without any water level change. If you are getting water level change, then I wouldn't be too worried.
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    LED Lights Staying Slightly Lit When Timer Switches Off!!!

    Thanks! I'm going to order one now.
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    LED Lights Staying Slightly Lit When Timer Switches Off!!!

    I bought a "mechanical" timer -- the old-fashioned kind with dial on the front and tabs you lift. It even says compatible with CFLs. However, the LEDs stay lit even with this. So far I've wasted 30 bucks on timers. I guess I can keep buying them until I find one that works.
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    LED Lights Staying Slightly Lit When Timer Switches Off!!!

    It's definitely not afterglow. If I unplug the lights, they go completely dark. Apparently, many current timer designs do not support LEDs and CFLs. I found this ("The timer does not have a neutral connection. It runs a...
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    LED Lights Staying Slightly Lit When Timer Switches Off!!!

    I have three Blackstar 240W lights and I've just switched to flower a few days ago. I've been checking each night when the lights are supposed to switch off and my LED lights are staying slightly on, even when the power timer has switched off. I had a GE digital timer that I assumed was the...
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    My Sad, Sad Clones

    So true, Pixi. Thanks.
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    My Sad, Sad Clones

    These are from non-feminized seed plants in veg. I wanted to get two off of each plant in case one clone dies so that I don't lose the line if that's my "star." Switching to flower tonight.
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    My Sad, Sad Clones

    I used clonex.
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    My Sad, Sad Clones

    Ok, here's a picture of my second attempt. Hopefully it won't be as comical as the first one.
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    Utilizing Green Light

    Ed Rosenthal's book, Marijauna Grower's Handbook, indicates that this is true. I do not have personal experience with this though. I would love to hear from someone that has.
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    My Sad, Sad Clones

    Thanks guys. I'll give it another shot using proper technique.
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    My Sad, Sad Clones

    wyteboi, thanks for the pics. Very helpful. I did just take leaves and the stem leading up to the leaf. I'll let them have a few days just to see what happens. When they fail I'll take some new ones with better technique.
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    stinky slimy foamy buckets? please help.

    I had this problem and tried H202 flush and adding on a daily basis and the crud came back. Others have had success with H202. I'm now using Heisenberg's tea with great success to prevent this. Check the DWC sub-forum stickies.
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    Rolled/Tacoed Leaves

    One of these days I'll remember to post all of the relevant info. My RH is running 35 to 55 depending on the weather (whether my heater is running, etc.).
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    My Sad, Sad Clones

    Glad I could provide some comic relief for you. Unfortunately, I spent about 2.5 hours on this. Live and learn I guess.
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    My Sad, Sad Clones

    Yeah, they were just the leaf and the stem, no node additional nodes. I didn't just take the leaf, i picked up the stem leading to the leaf and I took these from the bottom of the plant.