stinky slimy foamy buckets? please help.


Well-Known Member
First of all I am doing this from my phone so please excuse any spelling errors.

My setup is two plants in 4gal buckets. Dwc. Each plant is getting a half dose of nutes. One with Humboldt 3 part and one with x nutrients. They just received their second feeding on Monday. When I woke up this morning and check on them there was slimy foamy and stinky (like a gold Fishes ass hole) crap in both buckets.. and on my roots which were super white just last night.

From reading it seems this is caused by bacteria. Could these be caused from using organic Ph down? My temp in the buckets are below 70 so I am not sure what happened over night.

I drained both buckets with boiling got water and rinsed, added 20 ml of h2o2 and plain tap water. I was in a hurray and needed to do something till I get good tonight.

Please help


I had this problem and tried H202 flush and adding on a daily basis and the crud came back. Others have had success with H202. I'm now using Heisenberg's tea with great success to prevent this. Check the DWC sub-forum stickies.