Rolled/Tacoed Leaves


RDWC, Blueberry, Room 75-79, Res 69 to 73, GH 3 Part 5/10, Blackstar 240 LEDs 10" from canopy, RH 35 to 55.

I have several plants. Only one is doing this.

Here's a "normal" one:

Here's Mr. Taco:

His lower leaves were like this awhile back. These came out looking fine but have tacoed over the last week. I did (attempt to) FIM all of my plants about a week ago. That's why you see the cut leaves in the middle (which I think means I really did "miss it" more than I was supposed to).

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.


Well-Known Member
thats a mix of 2 issues, too much nitrogen (perhaps for that strain) and maybe the temps (if not air temp, water temp) try raising the light, adding more cool air from an ac unit or something, and cut back a lil on nutrients. kinda looks like hes in the corner, which cuts down on air flow

ps: that 'normal' one seems a lil low on micro nutes, the new growth is kinda yellow-ish, atleast from the pic.

both will be fine tho.


Well-Known Member
nah I wouldn't listen to nick if your using an hid light the plant is to close I got this problem all the time


I'm going to switch to flower in the next couple of days and will be doing a flush. I haven't flushed for about 10 days now. Been topping off with nuted water.


Well-Known Member
That looks like heat stress and/or low humidity. Its not too much Nitrogen. Nitrogen toxicity causes the leaves to claw down, not roll up. And I agree as stated above, take what Nick says with a grain of salt...


Well-Known Member
oh then ya idk the only thing I can think is heat stress especially if it's only at the top of the plant


One of these days I'll remember to post all of the relevant info. My RH is running 35 to 55 depending on the weather (whether my heater is running, etc.).