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  1. Antigen

    How do I use these cubes?

    Sounds good, I think I will plant them in the next couple days as they now have pretty good roots coming out the bottom and even a few coming out the top where I put that black plastic covering. :p I see a few down the sides of the cube between the plastic there too. I already have and use a...
  2. Antigen

    How do I use these cubes?

    Cool, thanks again, they are starting to show some roots now on the bottom although I haven't yet had to water them. The place where I got them had them sitting in a tray of water so I'm sure they were way wetter than they should have been. I'll add 1/4 - 1/2 str Grow nutes and pH to 6.0 as soon...
  3. Antigen

    How do I use these cubes?

    Update! Ok, per your advice here is what I did: 1. Took the water out of the tray they were sitting in. The tray is lined with tin foil, it was just to keep the water from leaking out, should I remove the tin foil? Is it helping to reflect light (I don't think so but thought I would make...
  4. Antigen

    How do I use these cubes?

    Awesome responses, that's exactly the kind of info I was looking for. If I could rep you more than once, I would! :D One of them already had some algae growing on it but I lightly scraped a very thin layer off the top before I took the picture. I didn't get it all though so I'm sure it will...
  5. Antigen

    How do I use these cubes?

    Sorry if this is the wrong forum for this, if someone could move it to the correct one if this is wrong that would be cool! :D Anyway, I have been growing for a few years and I have only ever taken my own clones, but today I got a couple clones from a place that sells them and they came in...
  6. Antigen

    N def? Help please

    That sounds good, your plants look fine for 4 weeks into flowering. You're using the right fertilizers, just keep doin' what you're doin'! :D You don't want your leaves to be as dark green as they were in veg phase when you harvest. Turning lighter green/yellow is natural and nothing to...
  7. Antigen

    leaves have white and brown spots. Pics.

    That looks like thrip or spider mite damage, or some other bug possibly. Look at that leaf very closely, with magnification if you can, to see if you see any tiny little brown/black bugs slowly crawling around. The bugs should be mostly on the undersides of the leaves that have white spots on...
  8. Antigen

    hydro setup, plant problems please help, PICTURES!

    Now, I have not ever grown in hydro but from what I've read, you HAVE TO have an EC/PPM meter and good pH meter. By looking at your plants I would say you have big nute deficiencies (most likely Phosphorous) which is probably due to pH problems, not from an actual deficiency of P. You are giving...
  9. Antigen

    New plant leafs curling upward like a taco!

    Can you post some pictures, it would really help. Are these directly in the ground outside or in pots outside? If pots, what kind of potting soil did you use? If right in the ground, did you prepare the soil and add some compost or manure to it (like cow & peat fertilizer)? What is your soil...
  10. Antigen

    N def? Help please

    As your plant goes through the flowering cycle, it will start to get more and more yellow. This is normal and you should not feed your plant a lot of Nitrogen during the budding cycle. It needs a little bit but it needs P and K more, as well as Mg. What have you been fertilizing with? Your...
  11. Antigen

    Anyway to move indoor clones raised on 18/6 outdoors and veg with 12hours(+/-)?

    They should not enter the flowering stage at this time of the year, depending on where in the world you are I guess. It's right in the middle of summer here and the days are very long right now. Just do as Stickee said and they should take the shock of moving outside and keep vegging just fine.
  12. Antigen

    Soloutions for phosphorus deficiency?

    Yep, just go pick up a Bloom fertilizer, it will be better for your plants than some home remedy anyway. Make sure you take your pH after you add ferts to the water, as they will lower it considerably. Look at the NPK on the bottle, you want the middle number, so something like 5-10-5, or...
  13. Antigen

    Curling Leaves. need help. pics

    Also as another diagnosis you might want to check out, look at this thread about Tobacco Mosaic Virus and other plant viruses that cannabis can catch that can cause weird leaf mutations: Tobacco Mosaic Virus Info I guess a lot of plants have one or more of these viruses because people don't...
  14. Antigen

    What are the different causes of leaves curling downward aka the claw?

    Yeah, the claw is usually associated with Nitrogen overdose, although the claw you have in your picture is more droopy than the normal N-overdose claw. It is probably due to not having enough drainage and overwatering. If you prepare a new pot with good soil and more perlite, you can...
  15. Antigen

    Hey guys another question

    Yep, if you took that plant outside there is a chace that it got spider mites. That's why you should never take inside plants outside unless you are taking them out there to plant in the ground outside. :) Look at the underside of that leaf (with a magnifying device if you have one) to see if...
  16. Antigen

    Cooling your grow room even on a budget

    You should have a place where air comes in and a place for air to go out. It's best if you can blow air in from the bottom and exhaust heat out near the top, since the heat will rise anyway. Or you could move to a better growing location that you could ventilate easier, like you said. If you...
  17. Antigen

    Oh nooooo!

    Hmmm, I thought that would be it for sure. Have you been monitoring the pH of the water you give them? Did you give them any ferts or other additives in the water recently? Ferts added to the water will cause the pH to plummet, and a fluctuating pH can cause plants to do wierd things. If you...
  18. Antigen

    Oh nooooo!

    Yep, that looks like light or heat burn, I can't remember which one. :p Did you just put them outside for the first time? Did you move them from one spot outside to another? Or possibly have a really hot day that they weren't used to? Or did you maybe get water, or another liquid like...
  19. Antigen


    Moths have never messed with my plants. What kind of moths are you talking about? You can look them up online and see if they even eat plant parts or not. I think most moths only have a sucking tube for a mouth and they drink nectar from flowers as their food. Moths do lay eggs that hatch...
  20. Antigen

    Small holes on only ONE leaf? wtf?

    Yep, holes are usually from bugs unless you did it yourself by accident or something. But if it looks chewed it's probably some bug or other that is eating and then leaving so you don't see him. :) If you can post a pic we can probably tell for sure if it is bugs or something else.