Oh nooooo!


Yup, one of my babies is undergoing a serious problem; and it happened over night! Truely yesterday it looked great and today It's looking like garbage.

Here's the pix, lmk wutzup!



not spidermites, but I think something else might be killing it (tripes?). I seen some tiny (micro) bugs crawling on it (NOT aphids or spidermites, I've seen those) They were somewhat long like a centipede but micro like I said and white. I'm going to do some more research on these bugs and see what I can come up with. PRAY 4 MOJO! I'll take my triplet to see what I can find. any other feedback will be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Yep, that looks like light or heat burn, I can't remember which one. :p

Did you just put them outside for the first time? Did you move them from one spot outside to another? Or possibly have a really hot day that they weren't used to?

Or did you maybe get water, or another liquid like insecticide or fertilizer on the leaves in the direct sunlight? Liquid can act like a magnafying glass and burn your plant if applied during the heat of the day. If you're going to get the leaves wet with something, don't do it in the bright direct sunlight.


Nope, They've been in the same place for the past month; although the heat has been increasing with the summer dayz here in so cal. Definitely not nute burn b/c the tips aren't burnt. I water the pots and not the foilage and I'm not into foiliar sprays (even though I know U can safely spray the undersides of the plants leaves that are not in direct contact with sunlight or doing so during later hours of the day). I've been finding more and more little bugs but I will now start to monitor overhead sunlight and temperatures. This is a Master Kush plant, my other Skywalker plants are doing well. Thanks for any and all helpful suggestions!


Well-Known Member
Hmmm, I thought that would be it for sure. Have you been monitoring the pH of the water you give them? Did you give them any ferts or other additives in the water recently? Ferts added to the water will cause the pH to plummet, and a fluctuating pH can cause plants to do wierd things. If you aren't measuring and adjusting the pH, then it would be very different depending on if you add ferts/other additives or not.

You should also take a pH reading of your runoff from the drainholes in your pot, to see if your soil is getting too acidic or too alkaline. If it is too low or high, do a flush on the plants to help restore the soil pH to the correct level ( 6.5-6.8 ).

There are also viruses that can infect your plant and cause the leaves to do strange things. Check out this thread on Tobacco Mosaic Virus and other viruses that affect a large % of cannabis plants these days because most people do not realize it is a virus and attribute damage to something else, like over or under fertilizing.