New plant leafs curling upward like a taco!

BakkaLakka SMASH

Active Member
Ok, so i have some outdoor plants (sour d, ed rosenthawl super skunk)
and they have new leafs curling like a taco now? could it be bugs. over water.
underwater. or even root rot! any advice would be great cause its happening to my tomato plants too


Well-Known Member
Can you post some pictures, it would really help.

Are these directly in the ground outside or in pots outside? If pots, what kind of potting soil did you use? If right in the ground, did you prepare the soil and add some compost or manure to it (like cow & peat fertilizer)? What is your soil like, clay or sand or just right? :D

Outside if your dirt is good and you get lots of sunlight you shouldn't have to do much except water it and watch it grow.


Well-Known Member
Leaf cupping is usually a sign of the plant trying to transpire water into the air. It often means the plant is trying to stay cool, and can also mean the humidity is too low. I don't have any experience with out doors so I can't suggest a remedy.