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  1. The Bud Dude

    cooking with shitty weed?

    I have two huge male plants...of the two plants that I started growing a couple months ago....this pisses me off. Does anyone know what I can do with them? I was really hoping to make some weed caramels with them I just don't know if it will work? Has anyone had success cooking with male plants?
  2. The Bud Dude

    I hate males...

    Stupid stupid stupid male plants...I got two...of the two that I started growing...what could I possibly do with them, one is about a foot and a half tall and the other one is about a foot. I am super pissed that I have wasted the last two months. Is there anything I can do with them. I was...
  3. The Bud Dude

    312w, CFL's, 4 plants, TV Cab growbox: GrowJournal.

    How many days have you been flowering?
  4. The Bud Dude

    the best/funnies job u ever had

    I'm a carpenter in theater. I work odd jobs around for different theaters around town. It's a pretty sweet gig. I graduate in May with a BA. Super excited. Lets see, I made a bong in the shop, welded a 2 ft steel pipe and drilled holes and stuck pins across and made a ice chamber. it was really...
  5. The Bud Dude

    23watt cfl's

    I currently have 8 23w cfls for 7 plants, I plan on getting rid of males. My set up looks a lot like yours. you should be fine. when you flower, you should place the new lights around the plants instead of on top of the plants. get light to the lower buds. keep it up. I'll try and get pics of my...
  6. The Bud Dude

    CFL yields

    my first grow, which sucked now that I look at it, but at the time it was my first so I loved them and always will, I got maybe half an oz from 5 plants. yeah I know it sucked. but I know have 8 42w daylight CFL for maybe 5 plants in veg. looking really healthy. I did have a problem though. Has...
  7. The Bud Dude

    Fantasy Football

    JOINED, i'm in the other one too, panty twisters? Hopefully I can do better with this team. this is my 3rd FF team. is that too many? When is the draft?
  8. The Bud Dude

    Starting SoG, and have a quesiton...

    So I am going to start an SoG method or whatever you want to call it. For the clones, I plan on having four, (i don't have the space for more), would 4 40W fluorescent tubes be enough?
  9. The Bud Dude

    Student Loan to buy pot?

    yeah man i've decided against the loan, i'm going to see if someone can just lend me the money, like my dad or some rich uncle. who knows. I just hate loans, can't believe i considered it. thanks guys, I am totally going to Canada sometime though to pick up a $90 ounce.
  10. The Bud Dude

    Not sure who to vote for ?

    ok i did more reading, if I were you (Mco2405), I would advise people to stay away from the stopnau website. um...I had to write a paper recently about the KKK...and I must say that the two websites seem to be very similar. Both radicals just yelling about how everything is wrong and supporting...
  11. The Bud Dude

    Not sure who to vote for ?

    Ok so i did some reading, how do we lose our vote in four years? Not sure I follow that. Also, you may hate me for this, but I kinda support the idea of NAU, I did a lot of reading on wikipedia, I thought it would be the less bias than that of the NAU website and the stopnau website. I know we...
  12. The Bud Dude

    Student Loan to buy pot?

    Hmm....well I'm currently a senior and this is my first semester without a job, so no income, so it would be pretty impossible to save up money to just buy the o or I would. I hate the idea of student loans, never taken one out because they scare me. Which is why I would only take the money for...
  13. The Bud Dude

    NFL fans..

    Don't even get me started!!! COWBOYS ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is our year!!!!
  14. The Bud Dude

    Student Loan to buy pot?

    WTF? I live in Austin, TX, I don't know a person who has spent under $350 an ounce in forever. What the hell, I'm getting screwed. Maybe now a $400 loan to drive to Canada to buy pot.
  15. The Bud Dude

    Student Loan to buy pot?

    So I'm thinking about taking out a $400 student loan to buy an ounce, then sell the ounce and slowly pay back my student loan. I've done the math and everything and I could pay it off in maybe 2 months. Has anyone done anything like this and succeeded? I'm pretty good with money and self-control...
  16. The Bud Dude

    Lets all pick a day!

    With the way the economy is going, I wouldn't be surprised to see it legal within four years. Also, I'm in. I live Austin, TX, it shouldn't be hard to find weird, liberal, stoned supporters for this. But I don't want to lead anything, I'll just show up and pass around joints. Also, I'll have...
  17. The Bud Dude

    Not sure who to vote for ?

    Really?? 3rd Party?? Even my vote for Obama in Texas is better off than a 3rd Party candidate. I'm voting for Obama because he is promising change. I know that sounds retarded, but America needs change, and if in four years I don't like the change, I vote him out, that is the glory of democracy...
  18. The Bud Dude

    Not sure who to vote for ?

    that is a great song, the only problem is, our (i'm guessing your are 18-30 years of age) demographic doesn't vote and Obama has been appealing to our demographic. I'll vote, even though I'm in Texas, it won't really count. But you have to vote, can't complain if you don't vote.
  19. The Bud Dude

    Not sure who to vote for ?

    I just can't fathom the idea of McCain and Palin. How could anyone support Palin? BAH!!! I don't want to even get started. Obama all the way.