23watt cfl's


Well-Known Member
they should work fine. if you get lucky with the females you should get more - 600 watts total would be about right if you end up with all females.

Dogs of war

Active Member
yer 8 23w lights is not enough might do for vegin but they end up all stretchy look for a electrical wholesaler in your area they sell hps light half the price as hydro p shop i paid £40 for a 400w hps light and iv been useing for over a year now and it still working or get your self a flourence light from BnQ £10


Well-Known Member
KingB your plants stretchin a bit??

Alioup, Id plan on atleast ALMOST doublin that CFL light number if all those were to turn female. Good setup so far though man, and g'luck!


Active Member
so for veggin these do you all think the 8 are ok or should i add a few more? i am definately going to try and reach 600 watts for flowering but i'm trying to figure now what is the easiest/cheapest and so i don't have 30 lights hanging..


Well-Known Member
you only need 600 watts if they were all to be female. what you have now is sufficient to veg 6 and flower 3 so you are ok if you get the average number of females.

Dogs of war

Active Member
a kingb do you have any pictures of your plants your flowering with the 26w cfl i would like to have a look to see if its worth doing my self as could save on electricity and the cfl are a pound a pieace in my local shop and what sort of heat do they give off and how close can you get them


Well-Known Member
i havent posted any pics yet, kinda scared too actually...lol

i have a SMALL stealth grow cabinet keeps between 65-80 degrees, i actually planted them outside,(bag seed) got scared someone would notice, pulled them @ 1 month veg outside ( a small 17") and transplanted into the cabinet. one is almost one solid hairy bud now and the other is a MUTANT! i have NEVER seen one like this, it has LOTS of branches with only 1 or 3 leafs as fan leafs, and has tons of flowers growing everywhere. only used miracle grow for a little (crap)

I keep the cfls 1 inch away from the plants. 12/12 now for 3 weeks. walmart emergency blanket, thermometer,small fan and 2 26w cfl lights, was VERY SURPRISED how well i am doing so far for so cheap.

what other odor remover do you guys use? my garage smells like a dead skunk. will a box of baking soda help kill the odor in my small cabinet?


Well-Known Member
lol just measured

my cabinet is 34''tall 22" deep and 28'' long. next grow i will add more light, even if its one of those 24" floral tubes

The Bud Dude

Active Member
I currently have 8 23w cfls for 7 plants, I plan on getting rid of males. My set up looks a lot like yours. you should be fine. when you flower, you should place the new lights around the plants instead of on top of the plants. get light to the lower buds. keep it up. I'll try and get pics of my set up on here soon.
taking into account they will not all be female i'm planning on using 12 23w-2700k for flowering, again is this enough?
why dont you get a 250 hps or a 150??much cheaper than buying 12 bulbs and less power being used,more penetration,more lumens far better choice than having airy buds


Well-Known Member
one is like one solid cola now with tons of hairs, and the mutant has like 30 small ones (little smaller than a dime) everywhere on it

That's insane... 2 Bulbs for 2 Plants?... WOW.. lol, if you get even a half oz... ill be convinced :p

goodluck man, sounds like you're doing a good job of it.

I've got 2 - 27watts + 3 - 13watts on one plant.


Well-Known Member
I'm honestly impressed man, post up some pics.

And what sort of soil did you use and what were your lighting hours? and how long was ur veg and flowering for?

Goodluck man..
how are you gonna get that much with 2 23 watt cfls????if it could be done off of that and 2 plants my name is albert einstein....my name is far from that...im not hating on cfls.. but it just wont yeild as much as 150 watts of hps if you use 150 watts of cfl and the hps would be cheaper