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    Bubble Hash!!!

    wtf no. rehydrate the gland, LoooooooooooooooooL. this is how i found the BEST result; hash so potent you only need one drag, hash so pure that you MUST chill or freeze it in order to handle it (at room temp it just wants to stick to everything.) bags used: Prep bag 5gal, 180 micron 1gal as...
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    either take a trip up to canada or just risk it. I know countless people who just made the gamble and it worked out. Use a well known seedbank that has a good reputation(usually UK based); worth spending a few extra $$ to know you're getting real genetics and not having to worry about shipping.
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    Double Bladed leaf & Bud site growing on leaf

    bullshat! I've started with a mother, cloned it, cloned from the clones, cloned from those clones, on and on and on; taking 30 clones every 18 days for over 3 years. The later batches of plants were still as strong (tasting/harvest size, etc) as the original batch and mother. so i call BS on you...
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    anyone with reveg experience....

    right on the money. Re-veg takes about 1-2 months, depending on how far the plant was in to flower. Like mentioned above, the plant is going to look funny and have some weird growth, but it will recover and can be used as a mother or to even re-flower. i would argue that you can clone from it a...
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    Crowded pot!!

    have you started flowering these at all? keep in mind that transplanting and tearing these plants apart will cause stress, will slow down growth for a little bit, and might even lead to 1-2 of the small/weak plants dying off. it looks like these are reaching the max height (for your enclosure)...
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    Question about Cloneing

    u can also wait until harvest time, cut all but a few small buds towards the bottom of the plant, put the plant back in 14+ hours of light, wait about a month or two, and you'll have nice little growths that are perfect for taking a few clones. Either way, you're going to have some messed up...
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    Cleaning House Sale

    BUMP I'm not selling gear on this site... hehe. ;) Up until a year ago I'd been at this (growing) for over ten years, a lot of gear was bought new; so I think it's a huge potential hookup for new members or those looking to save $$$$. Just trying to SHARE THE LOVE. i didn't feel like...
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    Cleaning House Sale

    Hi guys, I've often used these forums for info and guidance; and have greatly appreciated everyone. I recently changed states, and NV is not nearly as friendly as SoCal; so I've decided to clean house and sell EVERYTHING at stupid cheap prices via ebay. I hope this link works, if not you can...