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  1. L

    Opinions Please, possible mold issue

    definitely not spider mites, this has to be another type of pest or mold. I could see it originating from a bag of opened soil tho. also take into account that this pic is zoomed 120x thanks for replies i will try sulfur and a new mold/pest treatment currently using azamax+bonide+greencure+seranade
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    Opinions Please, possible mold issue

    For awhile now i have had a plant that exhibits some signs of a mg defficiency. I had to let her go in fear of this problem spreading, but if this shows up again i need to know how to control. I recently had a small prblem with russet mites which has long since been resolved. the plant was...
  3. L


    no doubt phosphorus deficient maybe coupled with some ph changes
  4. L

    First Grow. Day Three. Problems.

    Toxic salt build up? Flush it meng.
  5. L

    PH Problems I Think?

    Looks like a nute problem coupled with ph, most likely nitrogen. Flush, re-ph and use 3/4 to full strength veg base nutes. Use micronutrients to make sure its nothing like molybendium or iron deficient.
  6. L

    Almost 7 weeks flowering question?

    Fan leaves normally die off in the final stages of ripening. In my opinion it adds alot more natural flavor to the bud apposed to cramming with nutes to keep the leaves their natural color.Let them fall but make sure it does not effect the leaves on the bud itself, flush and you shouldnt have a...
  7. L

    New growth is yellow HELP

    Tips burn when nutrients are starting to build up, without pics who knows what it could be. you diagnose - Use PK13/14 to induce flowering- I start using 2 days before i change to 12/12, and end it after 7 days under 12/12.Also use as...
  8. L

    Leaf curling, please help!

    Looks like maybe a nutrient + ph problem. Flush her and make sure the ph is consistent. After cut off your calmag and start on a veg base nute, looks like maybe be a bit short on some micronutrients also. Transplanting can be very stressful to your plant and may be reacting with the new soil...
  9. L

    What is wrong with my plants? With Pics

    looks like the ph might be funky + mg/fe diff. maybe aeration problem? be careful with the hydroton be sure to process & ph it before using
  10. L

    yellow spots. caused by heat?

    don't think it could be the heat unless you got a little bit of nutes on the leaves, maybe a small Mn or Fe deficiency.
  11. L

    Quick potheads help please !

    do it mama, dank pot decent price!
  12. L

    Smack my B!tch up.......

    Dude thats horrific hah, try using gravity on veg plants that are growing out of control.
  13. L

    Plant Yellowing/Leaves Burning

    If its well into flowering than it could not be such a bad thing, plants naturally leach the nutrients out of fan leaves during the ripening portion of flowering. As long as its not effecting your buds before your cut it could be aok,
  14. L

    Help I have a mite problem

    Use Azamax and keep a tight regiment to kill off the hatchlings, make sure you cover the plant completely when spraying. Sometimes they can be in the soil too. Spidermites are hard to get rid of depending on the weather, keeping your room cold helps break their cycle also. They hatch slower and...
  15. L

    plants start drooping towards the end of the day

    Check out your root ball and make sure it looks healthy. The problem should stem from over/under watering, root infestation whether it pest/disease, or a ph changes/temp changes. aeration problem maybe? pics
  16. L

    Help! Hemp Russet Mites are KILLING me

    - BONIDE - Eight Insect Control worked for me, twice a week segregating the crops. Be sure to use a respirator, (has odor of paint thinner) some nasty shit. Also drop your humidity as low as possible, they cannot survive without it, below 20% if possible.