Almost 7 weeks flowering question?


Active Member
Im about to be 7 weeks flowering. And the top sugar leaves and some fan leavs are curling slightly upward and are turning pale yellow. Is this normal for this time? I hear they start to die off before harvest, but how soon before do they start this. My babies been sucking up water like crazy lately. Any help would be appreciated


Active Member
Not sure how soon they start to die and i know your close but imo curling upwards is a sign of heat stress , are your girls closer to the light now? Or Are you checking the temps at the top of the bud ? Just what I think.

Good Luck And Happy Growing!


Fan leaves normally die off in the final stages of ripening. In my opinion it adds alot more natural flavor to the bud apposed to cramming with nutes to keep the leaves their natural color.Let them fall but make sure it does not effect the leaves on the bud itself, flush and you shouldnt have a problem.