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  1. P

    Should I harvest early, or are my crispy buds still going to be smokable?

    I probably should have been a little more clear with my description! No pics unfortunately, but if I can find a camera at harvest time, I'll try to put some up. I'm not too worried about the plants themselves dying, the majority of the leaves are still pretty green, at least for being this late...
  2. P

    Should I harvest early, or are my crispy buds still going to be smokable?

    One for keep and one for kill. Any other opinions out there?
  3. P

    Should I harvest early, or are my crispy buds still going to be smokable?

    Hey all, Just finishing up my first "brand-name" grow, having done some bagseed a few months ago (thanks to the threads and advice from the RIU community, it turned out great despite me being impatient and taking them a week early). I'm doing AK48s and Aurora Indicas from Nirvana, and am fairly...
  4. P

    Quick Question, Has anyone ever gotten a Aurora Indica Sativa Pheno? I just did.

    Looking very nice! Pretty similar to mine, but probably a little healthier, haha. Those roots are crazy! Mine definately looked very sativa too, at least to my somewhat inexperienced eye, but they did frost up like a more indica within a couple weeks of me switching them over. Mine are around...
  5. P

    Quick Question, Has anyone ever gotten a Aurora Indica Sativa Pheno? I just did.

    Contrast is exactly why I decided to go for mine too. I thought they would balance out the supposedly "sativa-high" of the AK48. Oh well, weed is weed :s I personally would really appreciate seeing your Auroras. It would give me a little perspective as to whether or not the issues I'm having...
  6. P

    Mini Scrog, GLH Spectra 120 LED, AK48, Semi stealth. AkA too close for missles...

    Tagged for future reference. Great looking plants, going to have to try SCROG with my leftover AK beans on my next go. Going to jump on the bandwagon and guess around 3 o.z. once dried.
  7. P

    Quick Question, Has anyone ever gotten a Aurora Indica Sativa Pheno? I just did.

    All three of my AIs are 3-4 ft. tall sativa phenos, which isn't really what I expected from the pics on their site. It's my first real grow, so I thought it might just be me, but after searching around, it seems like quite a few people are having it happen. I'm a little dissapointed (no idea how...
  8. P

    Green lights?

    Hey all, Just finished setting up my room, and the only thing left to be installed are some green lightbulbs in my overhead fan fixture. See, I'm thinking that green bulbs won't interfere with my light cycles, since the chlorophil in the leaves will simply reflect all the green light. That...
  9. P

    All I want are some "Fucking Incredible" seeds...

    From experience with other plants: As long as you keep everything pretty sterile during collection, and screen your pollen really well (no plant matter in it, etc.), it should last for a few months in the freezer. Heat and humidity are what destroy pollen. This can lower it's viability...
  10. P

    How much does an Outdoor ounce go for?

    Hydro here is usually under $200 an oz. Outdoor isn't really much cheaper, around $175/oz. For a hundred bucks, you can't really go wrong though. Even if it turns out to be ditch weed, you can just bake the whole oz. into something and get a pretty good stone.
  11. P

    The Lipa & Tap Mushroom Grow (CALIGROWKITS TEST)

    Always been interested in growing some shrooms. Thanks for sharing, I'll definately be following this.
  12. P

    So how hard is it to invest with weed money?

    I don't know abut the states, but the Canadian government apparently has nothing better to worry about. If you say you're a software developer, and spend or win more than $10,000.00, you can bet they will looking into the company name you gave them, etc. I was never involved in that portion of...
  13. P

    Hey, Just realized I accidentally replied to you on my visitor page instead of yours, haha. To...

    Hey, Just realized I accidentally replied to you on my visitor page instead of yours, haha. To sum up my post there, plants are doin' pretty good!
  14. P

    Not bad! I culled most of them. Figured that since this is more of a "proof of concept" thing, I...

    Not bad! I culled most of them. Figured that since this is more of a "proof of concept" thing, I would keep just a few, and focus on them. 2 left, about a 12in. each, 3 weeks since germ. Don't know if I mentioned earlier, but I'm currently a 600w HPS with a proper grow bulb, and a Lumatek...
  15. P

    Defending your Dope, or looking for trouble?

    From my understanding: In Canada, you are only allowed to lock yourself into a room, annouce you are in there, arm yourself with the equivalent of whatever weapon your assailant has, and only attack him if he forces his way into your room. If you kill him, you're pretty much going to jail no...
  16. P

    So how hard is it to invest with weed money?

    From firsthand experience, this is completely true. You can start getting tracked the minute you try and buy more chips than a few hundred with anything less than $50s. You also usually get tracked both visually and financially if you try to exchange any type of small bills at the cage (at least...
  17. P

    Defending your Dope, or looking for trouble?

    Maybe I should have been a little more precise. I'm talking about houses without anyone living in the fulltime. No jewlery, no nothing, just some plants. Were someone to simply break into my actual house, I would most definately defend myself, with whatever is available (and probably go to...
  18. P

    What are your thoughts on these new smart meters???

    I was under the impression that Ontario's had them for a while. When I was living there a few months back, everyone was talking about how insanely high their power bills had become. It's just another government/BC hydro bullshit cash grab. From my understanding, Cali gets most of it's power...
  19. P

    Have You Ever Killed Anyone?

    Somone who is not me has previously made good money collecting debts. This sometimes involved hurting people. Eventually it came down to moving up and going all the way. He realized that morally, he felt had absolutely no issue killing someone, which scared the shit out of him. Being relatively...
  20. P

    Anyone here been caught, but didnt go to Jail?

    Or live in Canada. From my understanding, most of the growers they bother to charge either have small arsenals in their basements, are known gang members, or very obviously growing for profit. Someone like me, who grows for personal and a friend, has very little chance of ever seeing prison...