Defending your Dope, or looking for trouble?


Hey all,

Just set up my room, and I've been reading alot on how other people are doing it.

One thing I've noticed is some people claiming to have set up "booby traps" to keep their grow securing. While I'm a little paranoid, and believe in basic home security, alot of it seemed to go a little far.

For example, a local grower here (North West Canada) recently went down HARD for setting up a 12-gauge trap in his op, which didn't go off when the cops showed up, but would have definately killed someone if it had. According to him, it was there to keep theives out, not harm the RCMP. Another house just down the way had a literal truckload of AKs (the gun, not the plant), Stens, and other illegal automatics taken out of it a few weeks ago, which they'd found locked and loaded while taking down his grow.

These were not all that big of grows, for Canada, and I know for a fact one of them had absolutely no gang ties (though the AK grow is undoubtably linked).

While I own guns, and would likely use them for self defense were my life threatened and they were available, it seems like it's a little much (and a little ironic) to try and kill someone over a "peace" plant.

Just curious as to what other people think about this type of thing. Is it really that common? Has weed been illegal long enough that some people have actually become criminals?

Total Head

Well-Known Member
it's not just the plant. if someone breaks into your house they could be there for anything. if you have stuff that people want you might be in danger. it doesn't matter if it's plants or tvs or jewelry. i think the aks were a bit much, and i'm not a real big fan of lethal or maiming property booby traps like fish hooks and bear traps, but if you think you might be in danger you ought to protect yourself.


Well-Known Member
if i hear glass breaking or a door kicked in my life and my loved ones life IS being threatened. you might as well walk in and say "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU" in my house.


Maybe I should have been a little more precise. I'm talking about houses without anyone living in the fulltime. No jewlery, no nothing, just some plants.

Were someone to simply break into my actual house, I would most definately defend myself, with whatever is available (and probably go to jail for it too).

I'm more curious as to how far the average grower is willing to go to protect his crop, not himself or his other things. I'm not planning to set anything up myself, I'm just wondering what the opinion on it is.

Appreciate the opinion so far, guys.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
Maybe I should have been a little more precise. I'm talking about houses without anyone living in the fulltime. No jewlery, no nothing, just some plants.

Were someone to simply break into my actual house, I would most definately defend myself, with whatever is available (and probably go to jail for it too).

I'm more curious as to how far the average grower is willing to go to protect his crop, not himself or his other things. I'm not planning to set anything up myself, I'm just wondering what the opinion on it is.

Appreciate the opinion so far, guys.
i guess i don't see why it matters what they are trying to steal if you are talking about someone actually confronting an intruder. someone enters your house they might be armed and dangerous no matter what their agenda is. if you are talking about just booby traps that go off even if the owner isn't there, that's a little different. i don't like booby trapping because i don't think it's right to kill or maim someone who you never physically came in contact with. there's no assumption of personal danger in that situation. if someone is home, that someone has the right to ensure their own safety. it doesn't matter why the intruder is there. there's also the argument that the homeowner may be attempting to use that crop to support himself or his family. in that case he would be protecting his bread and butter. that in itself doesn't call for lethal force but if you're alone in a house and someone breaks in, it really doesn't matter why they're there. the threat needs to be eliminated.


Well-Known Member
according to state law they must give 24 hour notice. it's good to know your legal rights, isn't it?
Unless there is a perceived emergency, (smell of gas, etc.) then they can just walk right in.

EDIT: At least where I live they can.


Well-Known Member
its 12 hours notice where i live..and in my state in order to shoot someone breaking into your house they have to be (or appear) armed as well, i would still take the shot a leg shot.


Well-Known Member
its 12 hours notice where i live..and in my state in order to shoot someone breaking into your house they have to be (or appear) armed as well, i would still take the shot a leg shot.
what state are you in? you should only shoot someone if you're trying to kill them.


Well-Known Member
WI. and if i saw a gun i would go for a kill shot but id go for a leg shot if i saw nothing.


Well-Known Member
Booby traps are a dumb idea. If it's a legal indoor grow, your home security alarm should be enough and if youre staying there too some sort of self defense. If it's outdoor, barbwire fencing, cameras, no tresspassing signs, and a guard dog or two. In any case, discretion is the best safeguard for your garden.


Well-Known Member
No fatal traps of any kind they are indiscriminate killers, kids, teens, your girlfriend and so on. You will be charged and convicted. A man's home is his Castle and he has a right to defend it, but not with excess force. Some states you can get away with it but most not. Set non-lethal traps like RAT TRAPS under the windows and ledges. They will break fingers and toes so if one of your buddies shows up limping?????

You can also buy Pigeon wire with spikes in it, lots of ways, it's not worth taking a life for your plants. IMHO Get yourself a good home defense book and it will give you lots of Ideas.

I have 3 Pits, 45lb, 75lb and 100lb and a safe full of guns, worry about the dogs if you come here LOL

Boards with nails in them work well under windows, we use them to keep bears off the deck.


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

Just set up my room, and I've been reading alot on how other people are doing it.

One thing I've noticed is some people claiming to have set up "booby traps" to keep their grow securing. While I'm a little paranoid, and believe in basic home security, alot of it seemed to go a little far.

For example, a local grower here (North West Canada) recently went down HARD for setting up a 12-gauge trap in his op, which didn't go off when the cops showed up, but would have definately killed someone if it had. According to him, it was there to keep theives out, not harm the RCMP. Another house just down the way had a literal truckload of AKs (the gun, not the plant), Stens, and other illegal automatics taken out of it a few weeks ago, which they'd found locked and loaded while taking down his grow.

These were not all that big of grows, for Canada, and I know for a fact one of them had absolutely no gang ties (though the AK grow is undoubtably linked).

While I own guns, and would likely use them for self defense were my life threatened and they were available, it seems like it's a little much (and a little ironic) to try and kill someone over a "peace" plant.

Just curious as to what other people think about this type of thing. Is it really that common? Has weed been illegal long enough that some people have actually become criminals?
In Texas if someone kicks in your door you can shoot them without hesitation, and its completely legal. But as soon as I did it I would be frantically tearing apart my grow op before the cops arrived. Funny part is, probably wouldn't even be warranted, when shit like that happens they normally don't take anyone in or do much investigating. Texas has alot of problems, thats not one of them. As far as I'm concerned, they kick door the plant isn't even the issue. They didn't come in to give you a hug, and damn sure wouldn't just walk out peacefully if they saw you there. You really want to put yourself at a strangers mercy, who obviously has ill intent for you? Fuck that, shoot that motherfucker.


Well-Known Member
I have two blacklabs...they're pretty big dogs.Thats my 1st line of defence...if anyone comes past them , then , well, that sorta tells me I have the right to shoot.

Just the barking is enough warning, that gives anyone time to change their mind...if that don't stop them, then they're intentions are probable bad....and then BOOM!