Should I harvest early, or are my crispy buds still going to be smokable?


Hey all,

Just finishing up my first "brand-name" grow, having done some bagseed a few months ago (thanks to the threads and advice from the RIU community, it turned out great despite me being impatient and taking them a week early). I'm doing AK48s and Aurora Indicas from Nirvana, and am fairly happy with both of them thus far.

However, I left the plants in the care of someone else for a week who obviously didn't spend as much time reading up on growing as I did, and who did not feed them properly, and I was too busy getting ready for an upcoming move to notice what was happening in the garden. The AIs took it like champs and are only just starting to have some issues, but the AKs are a little sickly looking. So, I now have some K or Mg deficient plants, and they are so close to being done (about 7 3/4 to 8 weeks, with mostly cloudy, occasionally amber trichs, mostly red pistles, and a reasonably good weight for a noob) that I don't really have time to fix the problem before I need to start flushing. I wouldn't be too worried about it were the problems strictly related to the leaves, but the tops of my colas are becoming sort of crunchy and hard (not in a nice, resinous way), and I'm concerned that they'll become unsmokable if I don't cut the plants a little early. I *would* just give them a light feeding and let them go longer than I think they need to, but I'm moving out at the end of feb and would like to have them ready for jars or at least paper bags by then.

So, any advice? Should I let them finish as normal, in the hopes of getting that extra bit of weight and frosting, or will they become unsmokable if I don't pluck them straight away before this progresses any more? Can I fert them despite being so close to harvest, and use some common household ingredient to shorten the flush time (I'm too broke to buy a real flush product ATM)?

As always, appreciate the RIU input.


Active Member
give the a cold water flush and keep them in the dark for three days and harvest em. if u think its as bad as you say i don't see the harm in it???


Active Member
Sickly looking is tough to decipher, got pics? I would say they would be have to be quite sickly for me to think they wouldn't make it and pull the plug early.


I probably should have been a little more clear with my description! No pics unfortunately, but if I can find a camera at harvest time, I'll try to put some up.

I'm not too worried about the plants themselves dying, the majority of the leaves are still pretty green, at least for being this late into flowering. I'm pretty confident I can coax them along, and all the lower buds will be ok. I'm just worried that my main colas will become unsmokeable because of the hardening caused by Mg deficiency. If they'll just turn hard while growing, and then still dry and cure properly, I don't see any problem in going the full 9 weeks or whatever.