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  1. waltherp99

    Need help guys new hydro grower

    Im going to get better nutes this week a see if the nutes cousing problem getting advanced nutes for the rest of the grow. Also getting calibration solution for my ppm meater.
  2. waltherp99

    Need help guys new hydro grower

    Sorry for the lack of info. They are about 30 days veg. Most of them are about 8 to ten inches. I started from seed. There are two that are my consern most of the leaves are curling no color change the leaves look cuped
  3. waltherp99

    Need help guys new hydro grower

    400 is too much ppm
  4. waltherp99

    Need help guys new hydro grower

    My problem is every time i start to up the nutreints more then 400 ppm they act like there getting burnt. My ph is been stable at 5.8 to 6.0. I am useing the mini mortgage lifter its like dwc set up. Also my water temps have been about 65 f. Im thinking my meater need calibrated but it new. Oh...
  5. waltherp99

    Anyone using webcam or other internet tools to monitor their hydro garden?

    I have considerd doing this i found a system on line that alowes for to use a spart phone of a pc. As for big bother thats your own call im nervios about it to as wel
  6. waltherp99

    ah OK whats the total budget your going to spend on the whole setup are you going to clone or...

    ah OK whats the total budget your going to spend on the whole setup are you going to clone or just starter from seed i just asking so i can help you better k
  7. waltherp99

    Box what the tent

    Box what the tent
  8. waltherp99

    wow alot at once, weel sory to tell you chances are you will mess up, now with that out of the...

    wow alot at once, weel sory to tell you chances are you will mess up, now with that out of the way lets see if we can anserew some of your questions. i am new to the hydro part but have a good understanding so far. have u pucesed any thing yet first!!
  9. waltherp99

    Well in my apion 2 1000 would be great but cooling them might be a issue. And having a meltel...

    Well in my apion 2 1000 would be great but cooling them might be a issue. And having a meltel halid and a sodium is the way to go. Are you afirst time grower or will this be your frist time with a hydro set up
  10. waltherp99

    Yes about the nutriants and got the 600 watt light

    Yes about the nutriants and got the 600 watt light
  11. waltherp99

    Well came home this weekend was gone fore two days and i think i have a bad case of nutrent...

    Well came home this weekend was gone fore two days and i think i have a bad case of nutrent burn. But uther then that its been great. You really have too stay on top of the water but that is ture for any hydro ponic sytem. As fare as i can tell i like it so fare but only time will tell i will be...
  12. waltherp99

    mini morgage lifter

    You cloged up a 4 inch tube you have the same system i take it. What was your solution
  13. waltherp99

    mini morgage lifter

    well ppm sands for parts per million that is the amount solids (aka fertilizer in your water ) and you ajust it by ading fertilizer to your water. As for ph i just use a ph down or up depending on what i need. I mix a batch o water first with fertizer and the adjust the ph, and then add to...
  14. waltherp99

    mini morgage lifter

    600 mh right now i also have a sodium. Boy come home from being gone all week end and they doubled in size they are really starting to take off wow much faster then soil.and they are already stinking shit guess it time to hook up the carbon filter will post some more pics as soon as i take them.
  15. waltherp99

    mini morgage lifter

    Are you talking about sunlight solutions
  16. waltherp99

    Single seed centre, any one ordered lately?

    Recently orderd from them. Came in 10 days. Got everything i ordered plus 2 freebies. All sprouted. Make sure u choose the guaranteed delivery option..
  17. waltherp99

    See How The Government Is Spending Our Money

    Man can you guys imagen the day when we all wake up in the morning and canibis is leagal, man that will be a great day. This so stupid that the goverment can and does ignore the peaple. If your not intresed in fixing this Problem we call goverment then fuck you need to care get involed. Starting...
  18. waltherp99

    mini morgage lifter

    im going to build a veg and mother room this week next to this one, im thinking of doing a drip, and dirt system and alternating cycles. Ill be posting more pics monday
  19. waltherp99

    mini morgage lifter

    This setup is great ,it is very easy to take care of. man get the ppm right and the ph right and do a water exchange every week and this thing runs its self awsome!!!!
  20. waltherp99

    mini morgage lifter

    Sorry been busy but here are the pics