Need help guys new hydro grower


My problem is every time i start to up the nutreints more then 400 ppm they act like there getting burnt. My ph is been stable at 5.8 to 6.0. I am useing the mini mortgage lifter its like dwc set up. Also my water temps have been about 65 f. Im thinking my meater need calibrated but it new. Oh ya im using moon dust fertilizer. I flushed with tap water about two days ago. i balanced the tap water with ph down. Every thing got better. Right now my ppm are about 285 my tap water is about 185. Whats going on help plz!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
1ST off i dont see how anybody is saying your overfeeding the plants seeing you never said how large the plants are,how big are the plants,how old are the plants,were the plants from clone or seed,all the questions i asked matter.

Also for the record,unless your using some kinda shit product ph up n down those products will not raise the ppm value of the water one ppm.

Answer the qiestions i posed & we can answer better.


Well-Known Member
1ST off i dont see how anybody is saying your overfeeding the plants seeing you never said how large the plants are,how big are the plants,how old are the plants,were the plants from clone or seed,all the questions i asked matter.

Also for the record,unless your using some kinda shit product ph up n down those products will not raise the ppm value of the water one ppm.

Answer the qiestions i posed & we can answer better.


Sorry for the lack of info. They are about 30 days veg. Most of them are about 8 to ten inches. I started from seed. There are two that are my consern most of the leaves are curling no color change the leaves look cuped


Well-Known Member
I dunno about you but I run veg straight out at about 1000 ppm then I increase when they get bigger. I got some newly rooted clones at 910 ppm, someone explained it to me that a flowering nutrient is different than veg nutrients, where if I took the clones right now in veg and put them in flower at half the ppm they would probably burn.


Well-Known Member
clonex liquid when added to water in the amounts called for comes in at 1500 ppm or so, I guess its not how much stuff is there but how much of what stuff that determines whether you burn or not.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for the lack of info. They are about 30 days veg. Most of them are about 8 to ten inches. I started from seed. There are two that are my consern most of the leaves are curling no color change the leaves look cuped
odd, this isn't much over 30 days veg...... ah I should read, from seed. still I'd think they would be bigger.



Im going to get better nutes this week a see if the nutes cousing problem getting advanced nutes for the rest of the grow. Also getting calibration solution for my ppm meater.


Well-Known Member
good call, you really can't go wrong with AN, I'll probably be switching back next time. don't forget the ph calibration too, and don't EVER forget the mighty wash!.


Well-Known Member
odd, this isn't much over 30 days veg...... ah I should read, from seed. still I'd think they would be bigger.
dam DB that monster system seems to be working out pretty well.
(on topic) op you need to increase nutes (my honest answer without pics) lack of color in leaves is a sure sign for me to increase feeding strength. 400ppm for a plant that size is starving.


Well-Known Member
dam DB that monster system seems to be working out pretty well.
(on topic) op you need to increase nutes (my honest answer without pics) lack of color in leaves is a sure sign for me to increase feeding strength. 400ppm for a plant that size is starving.
hey drgreen, I killed those off man, I was really depressed about the whole thing since it was a noob error I'm not gonna say wtf it was...but, heres my current!.........
... I turned the monster into an hybrid wtf system! not to jack your thread op so heres a tip......................I forgot wtf the subject was even but I'm about to make a plug for ........yes......mighty wash!


Well-Known Member
hey drgreen, I killed those off man, I was really depressed about the whole thing since it was a noob error I'm not gonna say wtf it was...but, heres my current!.........
... I turned the monster into an hybrid wtf system! not to jack your thread op so heres a tip......................I forgot wtf the subject was even but I'm about to make a plug for ........yes......mighty wash!
nice buddy im popping over to that thread now.


Well-Known Member
nothin wrong w/ the moon dust. I havent run it very high yet. my whole first grow i never got over 500ppm. And my water was 200 so i was actually only running 300ppm.