mini morgage lifter


Does any one know about this system just purcased and is up and going now for two weeks now. Any way just wondering if any body elese out there has this system!​


Well-Known Member
Nice bro!! I was looking at this system as well, haven't jumped in and got it yet though, cant wait to see how it works out for you! Sweet!


This setup is great ,it is very easy to take care of. man get the ppm right and the ph right and do a water exchange every week and this thing runs its self awsome!!!!


im going to build a veg and mother room this week next to this one, im thinking of doing a drip, and dirt system and alternating cycles. Ill be posting more pics monday


Active Member
Hey ,Weatherp I have a 16 pod superponics system which is from the same company that sells the mortgage lifter. I like it though I just set it up got it running plus I am a newb.. I wanted to get the mortgage lifter but I wanted to start small first but I hear its great. I will post pics of my grow as soon as I get a few in there.. right now I have two in there 1 is wilting and one is fine but I think the next batch will will be ok..happy growing


600 mh right now i also have a sodium. Boy come home from being gone all week end and they doubled in size they are really starting to take off wow much faster then soil.and they are already stinking shit guess it time to hook up the carbon filter will post some more pics as soon as i take them.


Well-Known Member
This setup is great ,it is very easy to take care of. man get the ppm right and the ph right and do a water exchange every week and this thing runs its self awsome!!!!
How do you adjust ppm and ph for plants that are in a different part of their life? With this system, you have to keep your plants within the same size and similar strain. You can feed a 10" plant more than you can feed a 2" plant.


well ppm sands for parts per million that is the amount solids (aka fertilizer in your water ) and you ajust it by ading fertilizer to your water. As for ph i just use a ph down or up depending on what i need. I mix a batch o water first with fertizer and the adjust the ph, and then add to resivor. as for what ppm should be at deferent times this debatible i use this 100 ppm for every inch of plant topping out at 1100 ppm. as for plant size and strain iam running 3 diferent stains now a pure afgain kush 8ball kush and a srain called goliath, oh forgot to ask are you using tap water and do you have a meter for reading ppm hope this helps dude


Active Member
Are you talking about sunlight solutions
I don't want to say their name, but they are in Niagra Fall, NY, right??.....wait till your roots start clogging up in the tubes, you will have overflow issue and inbalanced PH and PPM reading too. I dealt with them. I know.


Well-Known Member
How can you feed a small plant the same amount as you do a larger plant? With this system, be careful with over/under feeding your plants; especially with different sizes and strains!!!


Well-Known Member
Ahh i see. I dont even know what this system is. Is it a DWC? do you use soil? what are those pipes on the ground for? is the tubes going into the pipes attached to air pumps? AHHH what is this?


Active Member
Good to hear Waltherp , cant wait to see pic updates. Cuz i have mine under a 600w mh and I think its growing a bit slow maybe its me , Im thinking the mh would keep it short and fat then wen I switch to hps they would take off. Or maybe im being scared to feed them and there not growing as fast due to lack of nutes... We'll see!