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  1. Cap'n Calyx

    problem with Active Air Duct Fan Speed Adjuster

    I think my last post went up in smoke for some reason. To recap: Glad that you were able to test it. I don't have a controller set up right now but I have that same one on order at my local shop. I do know that a friend of mine had something similar in their room. They way it was installed it...
  2. Cap'n Calyx

    problem with Active Air Duct Fan Speed Adjuster

    Sounds like you've got it set correctly. Maybe you do. Like you say, there isn't really much to the thing. Can you feel any resistance when you turn the knob? Hopefully someone more knowledgeable will chime in here if this is deadly advice but maybe you could plug a low wattage incandescent...
  3. Cap'n Calyx

    problem with Active Air Duct Fan Speed Adjuster

    Check for a bypass setting. I think this controller has this feature. If I'm understanding your description, turning the dial has no effect. If the controller was in bypass mode you would see this behavior. HTH. Edit: If you have the controller with the switch up top and the dial below it try...
  4. Cap'n Calyx

    is there a way to store marijuana vapor

    There was/is a bag kit for the vapir one that lets you do this. The bags are huge and taste of peppermint. S'ok but kind of a pain to use. Such as:
  5. Cap'n Calyx

    Toolage's Indoor Garden

    That's a cool little system. Your plants are looking nice too.
  6. Cap'n Calyx

    Potency Question?
  7. Cap'n Calyx

    Big big problem..

    I have a tomato plant that suffered a broken branch. I used two halves of a popsicle stick and an actual band-aid to splint the wound. The plant healed enough to set fruit. Once the ripened tomatoes were picked the leaves on this branch began to wilt and die, so I cut it off. The plant is still...
  8. Cap'n Calyx

    fan mounting in a 4x4 tent

    If given the choice between a pc or a booster fan in a tent of that size I'd go with the booster. If you already have an inline (appropriately sized, not booster) fan for exhaust I would place it outside the tent, as close to the exit point as possible (lessening the load). Then it would just...
  9. Cap'n Calyx

    New guy with first grow w/pics

    No problem my friend. Good growing to ya! :leaf:
  10. Cap'n Calyx

    How many can I fit?

    How many plants would you put in that tent if you were going to run a SCRoG? Thanks for the clarification, BTW. :joint:
  11. Cap'n Calyx

    New guy with first grow w/pics

    Thanks for the answers. Good to know! Spuds=taters=potatoes :) From what I've read talking to your plants can have some positive effects, as can playing music for them. The vibrations produced by speech and music are said to help the plants strengthen their stems and other structures. Sort...
  12. Cap'n Calyx

    New guy with first grow w/pics

    Hey garden11. Pretty girl you've got there. :) This may be a noobish question but what is the purpose of the potato and how are you using it to control the insects? Do you just put bits of potato on your soil? Does it repel, or kill the insects? Have you noticed any mold on the spuds? Thanks...
  13. Cap'n Calyx

    How many can I fit?

    I don't know much but I would suggest using larger bags and no more than twelve plants maximum in that space. Personally, unless I was doing a SoG/SCRoG or something I wouldn't try to flower more than nine in there. I imagine others will have more to say but if this is your first go you will...
  14. Cap'n Calyx

    Germinating a seedling

    Looks nice! sub'd. :)
  15. Cap'n Calyx

    just a few question (sorry if this is noobish or the wrong place to post this)

    Yeah, the quads look really tasty. :bigjoint: I've only worked with lolipops and Christmas trees, so topping will be interesting. Especially if it is as predictable as what UB describes. If the two methods result in simillar yields I would probably tend toward topping. I do want to experiment...
  16. Cap'n Calyx

    Where Can I find A Cheap AC Unit?!!

    I picked up one of these a while ago: It's a single hose unit. I am very satisfied with it. I researched for a while because I didn't want to get stuck with an expensive, POS fan. From what I've seen, comments/reviews are all over...
  17. Cap'n Calyx

    is this about right

    I recently germed some seeds. I just planted them in a Burpee mini greenhouse, right into the little coco pellets. Six of eight were really vigorous right out of the gate, emerging in only a couple of days. Two others were no shows, or so I thought. While one of these was likely a dud, I found a...
  18. Cap'n Calyx

    just a few question (sorry if this is noobish or the wrong place to post this)

    I thought this was a good read. Clear reasons and explanations are included. I will be doing it myself shortly. Uncle Ben's Topping Technique HTH :)
  19. Cap'n Calyx

    If I started today...

    That's good to know. I planted my beans on the 2nd or 3rd. Here's to a Stony Christmas and a Hashy New Year!
  20. Cap'n Calyx

    1600Kw vertical grow tent. Hybrid Aero/RDWC build.

    Congrats Dre. That's a nice setup and an awesome haul. I started my humble tent grow at the begining of the month. I've got some bagseed in there too. It's great to see other people enjoying success in their tents and I hope to keep my ladies as healthy throughout as yours obviously were...