New guy with first grow w/pics


Active Member
Hi, recently started to grow my own medicine. Its been interesting and have had some trials and error during the veg stage. I want to send a thank you to everyone using forums, its been such a good help to understand the basics. Atm I try to keep it as organic as possible, and have used very little fertelizing. Only thing I been adding is a basic organic mix made for eatable vegetables, usually 5 ml in 1L water once a week during flowering.

This is my first grow, im aprox 5-6 weeks into flowering. Since I'm such a newb, I started out using random seeds from weed i smoked some months ago :dunce:
So strain is unknown and I fugured it wouldnt matter since its the first one :P
During the veg period there were no issues, tho bugs came and went. Gnats are ****.
Last couple of weeks I saw some small buggers, I thougth they migth be springtails. And gave the earth a good dryout, and it seems to have lowerd the population to the point were i cant see them anymore. Also have found small white larvain the top layer of the soil, bout half a cm long. I figure these are gnats and have been using potatos these last days. Hopefully this will take care of it.
Theres some signs of stress, tho I havent got a clue what that can be. Also curious to if the bud size is rigth or if it migth have a small stunted growth.

Hehe, I even set up a speaker close to the closet that plays music for it lolIMG_0012.jpgIMG_0016.jpgIMG_0002.jpgIMG_0005.jpgIMG_0004.jpgIMG_0007.jpgIMG_0011.jpgIMG_0006.jpgIMG_0014.jpgIMG_0010.jpgIMG_0013.jpgIMG_0001.jpgIMG_0008.jpg


Well-Known Member
Well if it gnats on/in the soil, then get some sand and make a top layer, they won't be able to penetrate the sand and will die. Some photos, the leaves look like a Phosphorus deficiency and other photos it looks like a Magnesium Deficiency. Can't really pinpoint it unless it's both of those because you did say you are using very little ferts. The rust looking leaves are Mg def. then use 2 tsps of Epsom Salt in a gallon of water and keep adding that dose until it disappears. And IF it has a phosphorus def also, then get some Happy Frog Bat Guano 0-5-0 and use 1/4 - 1/2 strength of what it says. Both of these solutions are organic. :D


Active Member
Ty! Much appriciated response! I've been wondering bout the same thing, especially after reading around . I have a suspicion that its more likly to be phosphorus, since im using tapwater. Been seeing some threads saying that tapwater would have mg! Maybe its locked out? I measured ph in the water to 7.3 before i used it last nigth, but didnt measure the runoff. I'll make sure to do that next time :P (soil)
Guess I need to get a better grip on what ferts are out there. Do people buy these online, or at a local store. I been looking at the local shops, but only thing i find is the stuff my mother uses on here livingroom flowers. Usually high on nitrogen, low on anything else exept kalium.


Well-Known Member
Epsom Salt can be bought at Walmart, it's cheap [I had some around the house]. Happy Frog Bat Guano really just depends on where you stay. I stay on the east coast, so I usually order most of my stuff online. <--That's the cheapest I've found online for the Bat Guano. It's free shipping. I got that relatively quick from that seller. I got it a day before expected arrival. Just keep reading up here in the forums and you'll usually find all the information you need and what ferts to use or whats best for your budget. If you need any help, you can always PM me.


Active Member
Been a couple of days since i took the pictures.

I added a small portion with fert +micro nutrients, I also raised the ligth to lower the temp around the buds, changed positioning on the fan to more mimic outdoor. (instead of blowing constantly on the plant, its moving around)

Today I notice a small increase in the green colouring of the leafs. It also seem that the discolouring and rust spots have not gotten worse. The buds have clearly reacted positive, they show more new growth (this is awsome lol)

I looked at the calender, and realised that im in week 7.. And since i havent done this before, I'm feeling the buds are a bit small for the age. could this be strain related or something? the big ones are the size of the ringfinger, also thin, exept at the base node where I'm seeing the other buds getting pressed out and adding "width". Maybe it will puff it self up when i reach week 9-10.. o_O


Active Member
I'm thinking of cutting of some of the unhealthy looking fanleaves, the ones that looks the most unhealthy. Anyone know a thumb of rule when it comes to pruning?


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking of cutting of some of the unhealthy looking fanleaves, the ones that looks the most unhealthy. Anyone know a thumb of rule when it comes to pruning?
i would just leave it! when the plant is finished with it, it will fall off it self.


Well-Known Member
i would just leave it! when the plant is finished with it, it will fall off it self.
Rob is completely right. When the plant is done with that leaf, it'll fall off itself. Just leave the unhealthy leaves. When they turn yellow, the plant is taking the Nitrogen/Chlorophyll from that leaf and using it in other places. If you remove that leaf before it is done, you're just starving your plant.


Active Member
Oh.. Good to know.. I was tempted, didn't know it could to that!

Although i stripped the lowest branch, the midget nuggets and tiny leafs wasnt getting much ligth. I wouldnt have done it if I knew this.
Been watching a couple of growing movies, and i think i got the idea from there. Make it more airy around the base of the plant to help
me keep an better control on the small insect bastards.

But instead of just throwing those small underdeveloped nugs away, I fast dried them just to have a taste. haha xD
All I can say; Fu**ing Mindblowing!! Now I just wish I new what strain this is. Really looking forward to curing this babe.
Btw, The potato trick is doing great, I cant find any more small gnat larva and im killing everything that is flying around
manually. I'm getting sand just incase tho!

Cap'n Calyx

Hey garden11. Pretty girl you've got there. :)

This may be a noobish question but what is the purpose of the potato and how are you using it to control the insects? Do you just put bits of potato on your soil? Does it repel, or kill the insects? Have you noticed any mold on the spuds? Thanks in advance for your input. Guess I'll go ask google now.

Update: Apparently the potato attracts the larvae. If I'm understanding what I just read the potato is used as a type of trap. Interesting. :lol:


Active Member
Hey Cap. I've had some small gnat type fly around and it laid egg in the top soil. Asked around and a elderly lady told me that she used to put slices of potatoes on top of the soil for a couple of days. She told me they loved potatos so much that they would eat them selfs inside, so when you remove the potato, you would remove them. I pretty much took the advice, repeated with new potatos couple of times. A certain amount of mould will start on the potato faiirly fast, so i dont think keeping it in contact with soil or other medium more than 48h will be a good idea. By spuds, you mean the buds? Im keeping an eye on them with a jewlers eye, no mold that I can see. I'm battling a bit to keep the RH at a constant 50, usually it drops to 30-35. Been carefully spraying the back of the fanleaves and not get water on the buds. :P

No question is noobish to me, as im in my first grow ever and are haveing a learning expirience from day to day :) Questions are cool, if im making something work
with combining old trics from elderly ladies with todays growing techniqes, im more than happy to share my expirience. this last few months been Crazy!
Hehe, if She could talk she would say TY ^^ She has that pungent, citrus flavour smell to her.. Driving me nuts.. This soil + sensmilla grow is crazy fun :D


Active Member
Visited my crazy gran at the home for elderlies today, and she told me she used to talk to her plants. And she was convinced that plants could connect with humans emotionally. Heh, made me curious tho. Is there any scientific stuff going on in the world that looks into this kinda stuff? Would talking to a cannabis plant, make the plant a) healthier? b) increase yeild? or c) more easy to work with?

Cap'n Calyx

Thanks for the answers. Good to know!

Spuds=taters=potatoes :)

From what I've read talking to your plants can have some positive effects, as can playing music for them. The vibrations produced by speech and music are said to help the plants strengthen their stems and other structures. Sort of what keeping a fan on them does. I have also read that when you speak/sing to the plants you are increasing the amount of CO2 available to them. Howver I'm not sure how much this effects them and the article I linked seems to downplay the CO2 enrichment theory.

Found on Penn State's website: