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  1. N

    new york outdoor how do they look?

    Hate to rain on your parade but to be honest, those plants do not look all that great. I saw some plants in upstate new York that are 5-10X that big! Some are upwards of 7' tall and about 6' in diameter and so thick and full it is insane!! stalks are as big as baseball bat (almost!)
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    EVerybody else- You want an even easier way to keep deer away go piss around everywhere you garden. That's it. Go piss crazy and you'll be fine. Y buy it when you got it urself. Your the biggest preditor of all! Just go Piss or piss on peace love and happiness too! To the OP just go piss...
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    urine does not do shit!! I have 3 or 4 that have been almost completel;y destroyed by deer eating the branches right off! To their defense, we have not had a drop of rain in almost 6 weeks! When it was wet they were not doing it!! I have put gallons of piss around them and they are still eating!!!
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    Ladyburn 1974

    Overall Yield??
  5. N

    Co2 Question

    Reading things that say to shut fans off while adding Co2. The problem is the directions say to put the emitter behind and oscillating fan to circulate! There would be no reason to but nozzle behind fan if they are all shut off! I was planning on splitting the emitter hose into 2 emitter...
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    This guy has the Biggest nicest plants!!! Want mine to looke exactly like this!!! I LOVE this setup and how the plants look!
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    trimming / pruning outdoors Can not find much on outdoor specifically)

    Cool! Just ws not sure, I just knew that there was no way they were gonna bush out like I wanted without anything!
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    trimming / pruning outdoors Can not find much on outdoor specifically)

    Just wondering??? To get best yields, What needs to be done to the outdoor ladies? Should they just left to grow 6,7,8+ft? Should they all be topped, Pruned LST'd?? Just dont wanna let them be and then find out I could have had 2-3X the yield from supercropping or some other technique What...
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    Highest Yield ?THC Content / Taste

  10. N

    Highest Yield ?THC Content / Taste

    Wondering what people on here consider the best strain for indoor soil grow? Looking for best of all 3 worlds... Good Yield Good Taste Good THC Content I know some have way higher yields than others Apples to Apples (app. 30" plant height at harvest)
  11. N

    Help busted or not?!?! Shit! What would you do! Read the story please!

    Rule #1... Never have people around anywhere even in the vicintiy of where your show is!!! That is exactly how people find out that shouldn't think about this, 2 months down the road that kid gets popped and says "i can make a deal, let me out of trouble and i will tell ya where a grow house is!"
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    Better Results inside than out???

    Not really any cold nights! Used some super soil under them and a mix of Promix and Mushroom Compost around the sides and for fill. Just had a week of 85deg days without a cloud in the sky! Watered them once with FF Grow Big. Huh!! Well hopefully the recover! never thought there would be an...
  13. N

    Better Results inside than out???

    Decided let the sun do the work instead of my Electricity.. But out of the 4 Moms I put out to pasture, 1 died and 3 others seem to not be flourishing at all! Used good soil and they are getting plenty of light. I know it takes some time for them to acclimate but its been over 3 weeks and...
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    ak47 help

    Oh yeh, and if they are that small there is no reason to even be using nutes yet! You are probably gonna lock them up by giving such tender roots too much
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    ak47 help

    PPM and PH are 23 totally different things! PH is the acidity of your water and PPM is PPM of your Soil and Nuts. Are you even checking the PH of your Water to make sure it is between IMO 5.9-6.3? What are you using for a medium? if they are just in rockwool and outside, They are to small to be...
  16. N

    why is my electric bill so high!?

    There is no way a 1000 watter should cost more than $100.00 a month even if it is on 24/7 I did the calculations where I live and at 5c a KWh for 2 600 watters at 12hrs a day, it is only like $45.00 a month! 1000Watt X10c a kilowatt hr should still only be like $75.00 His bill is going up...
  17. N

    Whats wrong with my plant?

    Ph should be closer to 6 than 7 IMO. Also what is your soils? is it packed too tight so roots cant penetrate? You would get better growth than u are getting now with a couple cfls on for 20-24 a day. Also way to young for any type of nutrients. Just water with correct PH and maybe some Superthrive
  18. N

    Ladyburn 1974

    hats great! I just started Lady 74' from seed. Was curious as to how it wqas gonna look. I will have to add a pick of mine! The Nodules are so close together on mine they are almost on top of each other! Plant is about 3 weeks old, about 4 In tall and has about 6 sets of leaves on it already!
  19. N

    plants have stalkled about 2 weeks from finishing??

    Oh just to add to this, Plants are completely healthy and are drinking.. One other thing that might have caused this is I think I got a little over zealous on removing fan leaves.