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  1. Greenmark

    Using Molasses with tap water and inorganic fertz

    good question, bump.....
  2. Greenmark

    peat moss vs" pro mix

    Wetdog, what's your receipe for super promix Peace
  3. Greenmark

    Canna Nutrients and additives.Please Help :(

    auto strains do stay smaller than the normal version. If it's a 8 or 9 week version it should be ending its life cycle soon. Perhaps flushing till harvest will help.
  4. Greenmark

    Lost In A Sea Of Nutrients? Advanced Nutrients, Canna etc.

    I am lost in the nutient soup, never grown before so it may be used it wrong. I'd like to know: a breakdown of npk ie why have more n in veg or more pk in flower. what essentials should I look for when shopping. a safe new guy mix ie a bit less of this or a bit more of that and when I plan to...
  5. Greenmark

    Hempy buckets & CFLs First Grow!

    I like it, looking forward to see your progress
  6. Greenmark

    36"W x 16"D x 40"H Flowering cab

    If you increase your cfm you should be able to stay with the same duct. I'm no expert but this is what I've gathered from this forum. anyone chime in if I am wrong. Peace
  7. Greenmark

    Welcome New Members!

    Newbie here, good stuff I've already learned alot.