36"W x 16"D x 40"H Flowering cab


:clap: I love this site.....great source of info.

I built this box with stealth in mind but im having major heat issues, cant seem to get below 90. temps range from 90 to 95 after 8 hours running. Cab is in a garage and ambient temp is around 78. Take a look at the pics and tell me what you think i need to do to make this a workable flower chamber. Any and all advice is greatly apreciated.

36"W x 16"D x 40"H homemade cabinet
400w hps w/ DIY cooltube 4" exhaust
Soler & Palau TD100
Three 4" passive intakes near bottom (one still needs light trap)

Thanks for taking the time to check this out!




Well-Known Member
How many cfm is that fan? Smaller boxes like that, even with one 400w light, need a lot of ventilation as the heat builds up FAST. You may be better of with a 6" cooltube and 440cfm fan. If ambient temp is 78 dont expect to get below 80 regardless of ventilation though. Also, depending on the cfm's, 3- 4" inlets may be excessive.


How many cfm is that fan? Smaller boxes like that, even with one 400w light, need a lot of ventilation as the heat builds up FAST. You may be better of with a 6" cooltube and 440cfm fan. If ambient temp is 78 dont expect to get below 80 regardless of ventilation though. Also, depending on the cfm's, 3- 4" inlets may be excessive.
Spec: 101/97 CFM

I can always redo the intakes I guess the main issue is the fan?


Will a 4" inline be enough or should I bump it up to 6"? The TD100 is not cutting it. Anyone have suggestions on what would be good exhaust fan for this small cab?


If you increase your cfm you should be able to stay with the same duct. I'm no expert but this is what I've gathered from this forum. anyone chime in if I am wrong. Peace


Well-Known Member
you dont have near enough cfm's to cool that box running a 400 watter! That is the plain hard truth..


Active Member
nice cab bro..maybe thro a small thin sheet filter or somethin over the open end of the light so your bulb doesnt get all filthy..good luck
