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  1. burner686

    Soil to Hydro Transplant

    Thanks for the replies. Interesting stuff. I’ve never changed medium on anything this far along before. If nothing else, it’s a good experiment.
  2. burner686

    Soil to Hydro Transplant

    Has anyone transplanted any plants from soil to hydro that were fairly well established approximately a month old? I usually start in the system but had 4 strains I wanted to throw in the tent. Showing typical transplant symptoms droopy and all that. How long before you saw recovery? They were...
  3. burner686

    Bud porn show us yours

    Sugarcane Citral Glue Sugarcane Pheno 2
  4. burner686

    Hi guys need some help with these autos, i don’t know what’s wrong..

    Lights too close easily looks like N deficiency in early stages, don’t get crazy with the nutrients yet.
  5. burner686

    Hi guys need some help with these autos, i don’t know what’s wrong..

    Yeah the lights too close for sure. Probably get around 18” from canopy at least, and dial it back to 50%. I’m willing to bet that’s a big cause of the issue. I have 4 of those lights and they’re actually quite strong
  6. burner686

    Unhappy looking

    Perfect, a nice pot up with more fluffy coco, and you’re going to take off like a rocket
  7. burner686

    Unhappy looking

    No doubt on the hunger. Slow and steady increases on nutes as roots develop and new growth occurs. Things will shape up within a week. Small adjustments and you’ll be just fine. The lower most leaves may have been sucked dry of nitrogen too far, so likely won’t see them green up again.
  8. burner686

    Unhappy looking

    Sorry just read you’re actually using coco, you can just keep up your daily feed at 1.5ish
  9. burner686

    Unhappy looking

    I would think based on how young they are you’d be fine to just feed again as you have been. Early veg growth generally in the ballpark of 1-1.5 ec. Ive generally followed water, water, feed. If you need an adjustment you can feed once more instead of a water. Give them a few days minimum to...
  10. burner686

    Unhappy looking

    Most certainly hungry. Need some N
  11. burner686

    Losing Hope..Leaves Drying/Dying

    DrBuzz nailed it. Generally Miracle Gro potting soils and garden soils contain little slow release fertilizer pellets in them. So each time you water, you’re actually feeding your plant, which can be problematic. So definitely do not feed them additionally right now,they look nute cooked for...
  12. burner686

    Need help with yellowing leaves please..

    The soil you are using appears to be designed to run start to finish without adding nutrients to it. The only other question would be what are you watering with? City water, well, or reverse osmosis water? There is the possibility as well that with an intense enough light you may need to...
  13. burner686

    Need help with yellowing leaves please..

    Your soil definitely is not locked at 7, at least highly unlikely unless your watering/feeding at ph 7.0 constantly. You’re doing a good thing by running living soil, it’s great stuff. Keep in mind there is a large buffer for ph when growing in soil opposed to hydroponic, so you have that on...
  14. burner686

    Need help with yellowing leaves please..

    I assume you’re getting the 7.0 reading because your using one of those soil ph probes? Ditch that and get a proper soil testing kit to really understand where you’re at, then adjust from there.
  15. burner686

    Need help with yellowing leaves please..

    The only thing id recommend is let your ph swing ever so slightly higher. There’s the potential that if you are deficient and you’re steady at 5.8 you could be locked out. Something i tend to do with my hydro grows, slight swing to efficiently uptake all micro nutes. Otherwise looking healthy...
  16. burner686

    Accidental Early Flower

    Just wanted to post an update to this thread for anyone that may run into this issue when moving plants they have started indoors to outside in late spring early summer. i think i was correct when I noticed flowering far too early. One reply was that they were just showing sex, which at the...
  17. burner686

    Accidental Early Flower

    Hoping so. I’ve never had anything show so aggressively this early. Thanks for the reply.
  18. burner686

    Accidental Early Flower

    As requested
  19. burner686

    Accidental Early Flower

    Hey there. Made a mistake. Had 2 Blue Dreams indoors vegging at 18/6 and brought outdoors 2nd week of June. Probably should have had them on 16/8, but what’s done is done. They both started flowering a bit, now showing reveg signs, single and 3 blade leaves. They are both aggressively LST’d. My...
  20. burner686

    My First Grow

    Well, a year later and I dig this up lol. I guess I had gotten so busy with the trimming and oil making, I had forgotten that I never even posted results. The plant ended up yielding just over a 1/2lb, so I was very happy with that being my first grow and all. Thanks for all the comments and...