Soil to Hydro Transplant


Well-Known Member
Has anyone transplanted any plants from soil to hydro that were fairly well established approximately a month old? I usually start in the system but had 4 strains I wanted to throw in the tent. Showing typical transplant symptoms droopy and all that. How long before you saw recovery?
They were in good health. System is RDWC, 350ppm, 68 deg. Water maintained by chiller, 6.0ph
Monitored by bluelab guardian


Well-Known Member
Yes, some slow down for a little bit, some don't seem to notice, strain dependent IME. Have soaked the dirt off before putting into clay balls, others I have cut the bottom of the planter off and sat that straight on top of the medium to grow through.

go go kid

Well-Known Member
Ive tried both cutting the bottom off the pot and washing the roots with a bucket of water and then placeing it in a clean bucket of water and then adding an air pump to get rid of smaller dirt particals off the roots.
both worked, but the cut base plant was growing water roots way better with less shock to the plant


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replies. Interesting stuff. I’ve never changed medium on anything this far along before. If nothing else, it’s a good experiment.


Well-Known Member
Here’s my current situation. I have three girls, planted in 1 gallon fabric pots with organic super soil. They were planted at the end of May. The idea was to grow these in 1 gal pots until I had my attic grow room finished, the move them to 20 gal pots. Welllll, I’m a little ADD. The attic grow room took a bit longer, due to vacations and 5 kids keeping us busy all summer. Long story short they were not doing the best, it’s now aug, the room is finally finished/stable environment so it’s time to do something! I came across my last setup hidden in the shed when I was moving all my equipment in. So I decided to transplant them into a 3 bucket 5gal recirculating top feed system I had laying around. Here are the pictures;

This is the day i transplanted, Aug 25

Aug 28

Aug 30

Sep 2

Sep 6

The day I transplanted these, I filled a bucket with plain water. Dunked the roots in the water and kinda shook them. Repeated this process until the roots were as clean as I could get them. Then I emptied the bucket, help the plant so the roots rested against the inside of the bucket as close to the top as I could get them and sprayed the roots with the hose to get the rest.
When I put them in their final home I placed all the roots in the bottom of the net pot, placed my lava rocks on top of the roots and around the trunk/stem to secure them really well. Filled the res, set drippers to 4 15 minute cycles while lights on and waited.

As of today there are nice new roots starting to come out of the net pots. And the girls are all starting to reach for the lights!!