Accidental Early Flower


Well-Known Member
Hey there. Made a mistake. Had 2 Blue Dreams indoors vegging at 18/6 and brought outdoors 2nd week of June. Probably should have had them on 16/8, but what’s done is done. They both started flowering a bit, now showing reveg signs, single and 3 blade leaves. They are both aggressively LST’d. My question is, should i take all the tops off so i can try to get some normalized growth for the remainder of veg, and hopefully go through a normal flowering starting around mid August? Or leave them to sort out on their own. They’ve been sitting in this state for a good couple weeks now.


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Well-Known Member
Just wanted to post an update to this thread for anyone that may run into this issue when moving plants they have started indoors to outside in late spring early summer.

i think i was correct when I noticed flowering far too early. One reply was that they were just showing sex, which at the time of my first post, could have been true, but it since has continued to flower. Normal flowering time around here is around the 2nd week of August. The second plant (also blue dream, made it through revert and back to veg) I assume one will finish in September rather than October. These were vegged indoors for about a month under 18/6 then brought outside with approximately 15 hours of sun.

In the future i’ll be dropping down closer to 16/8 before hardening off outdoors.

I generally only play around with indoor hydroponics these days, however lesson learned for next time i try this.

