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  1. downsouth305tn

    Zeus's Take on Harvesting

    I just harvested my girls too early cause of just watching trichs...wish I would've saw this thread a month ago. Still came out to be a decent product but nowhere near what I expected and now I know why. The tell tale that I now know is that the hairs on them weren't receading yet and they...
  2. downsouth305tn

    40% Amber Trichomes

    I think what he's saying is that if they're all cloudy when you harvest and the effect is too "light" then you should pick a different strain that gives what your looking for instead of harvesting late. Not trying to be an ass so sorry if it seems that way I just think this is the best lesson...
  3. downsouth305tn

    40% Amber Trichomes

    :clap::clap::clap: Thanks! Thats simple enough. I'm a operational toker so sounds like peak thc is my persnal tasts. Thanks again
  4. downsouth305tn

    40% Amber Trichomes

    So what your saying Brick is that if you see any amber trichs then you should harvest?...that is if you want a more up than couch lock? Am I right? Seems to me that the majority of people are going to say "wait a while" so I really need to know what to look for under the scope. Oh...sorry for...
  5. downsouth305tn

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    OK. I've been waiting forever to post here so here you go. Any takers on how long? She's in about her 5th week of flowering. I'm not completely sure being a noob grower.. I didn't really know how to tell when she started. I looked at the trichs and cant really tell whats clear or cloudy. Guess...
  6. downsouth305tn

    Dying Overnight PLEASE HELP!!

    Thanks. I'm going to try to clone this weekend but got alot of questions of course. I'm gonna search the threads and sponge up some info. Dont really know what to expect being this late in the season and outdoors. Will it still come to harvest around the same time as the others? I prolly need to...
  7. downsouth305tn


    Yea thats what I figured. I've had some that you could tell had GOOD potential but just botched the curing. This'll be my only bagseed grow though. Just a trail run. Any suggestions on where to get seed?
  8. downsouth305tn


    Wish I could. It's bag seed..from the best "mid" I've ever seen though. Got only 5 seeds from the whole zip. Figured I should do some trail and error before I invest in some high grade seed
  9. downsouth305tn

    Dying Overnight PLEASE HELP!!

    Your right. And I had her in a pot barely big enough for an african violet:lol: We live, we learn and in our spare time...we burn.
  10. downsouth305tn


    Thanks man! Its my first so she didnt get topped. We call her the "jolly green Giant":bigjoint:
  11. downsouth305tn


    I know.. my camera is shit. I'll keep you updated and try to post some better pics the hairs are there though. Figured it was way too early to post in that "how long" thread. I cant wait until I can though.
  12. downsouth305tn


    Forgot to attach the damn picture:wall: Here you go
  13. downsouth305tn


    Here she is a wek ago. Thanks
  14. downsouth305tn


    Just started seeing little white hairs:leaf:, are these pre-flowers? She's in a container, about 4 months old, 8ft tall with container. If these are pre-flowers about how long do you think till harvest time? I'm in the southeast. The pictures aint perfect but they may help.
  15. downsouth305tn

    Dying Overnight PLEASE HELP!!

    So, here's another update on the one of my girls that almost didn't make it. It's been a little over three weeks and she's looking damn good. After I trimmed it down to nothing, I took my first shot at LST and reduced nutes. It's been growing like crazy every since. The yield wont be near as...
  16. downsouth305tn

    9-59-8 ??

    Bump Anybody? Please :neutral:
  17. downsouth305tn

    9-59-8 ??

    The only nute for flowering I could find n my area that matches the description you guys gave me (high middle number) is Fertilome Blooming & Rooting 9-59-8. It's high in P but is it too high? Anybody ever tried the stuff? Mine is an outdoor container grow. I'm seeing signs of pre-flowering and...
  18. downsouth305tn

    What Would You Do??

    I gotta go outa town for about 4 days in a couple months. My girls should be in full flowering by then and I'm worried about care:sad:. Is there any tricks of the trade for something like this? It's an outdoor grow in containers. Medium is Miracle Grow potting mix, and my normal watering cycle...
  19. downsouth305tn

    Dying Overnight PLEASE HELP!!

    Thanks Guys! I'll keep everybody updated.
  20. downsouth305tn

    Dying Overnight PLEASE HELP!!

    I let the soil dry. It didnt look like the problem was getting any worse so I just clipped all the dead leaves and re-started the proper watering cycle. She looks to be coming back to life. Limbs have turn back toward the sun and there's new growth sprouting at the joints. The leaves left that...